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Read this blog to know Post Launch App Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs. Mobile apps are on a steady upward trend that is not likely to plateau anytime soon. This makes it an exciting area in which to get involved. App development and retail have a lot of scopes to avoid the post-launch app mistakes associated with mobile app launches.

According to Allied Market Research’s data, the market reached US$ 106.27 Billion in 2018. The future looks even more promising. The market, which is fairly pandemic-proof, will grow at an annual compounded growth rate of 18.4% in order to reach US$ 407,31 billion by 2026.

The demand for mobile apps is expected to quadruple by 2020, but the supply will keep pace if it doesn’t exceed that demand. About 2.86 million applications are available on the Google Play Store and around 1.96 million on the Apple App Store.

To be successful in their app marketing, marketers need to adopt strategies that will help them stand out from the crowd. Apps, like all products, are subject to fierce competition in the market. Thus, Mobile app developers must focus on their USP to stand out from the crowd and create a niche among app users.

In this blog, we will discuss the 12 Post Launch App Mistakes that you must consider and help you in launching your app successfully.

So let’s begin.


12 Post Launch App Mistakes to Avoid


12 Post-Launch Pitfalls

1. Not Focusing on User Engagement and Retention

The first post-launch app mistake is not focusing on user engagement. paid user acquisition is not the best marketing strategy, even if you have thousands of dollars at your disposal. It’s fine to spend some money on initial downloads, but it is better to concentrate on engagement and retention. You will soon see users dropping off.

Find out what paid channels are most effective for you, and combine them with other marketing techniques.

2. Measure Everything or Not Measuring Anything

Revenue is an excellent indicator of success, but it does not necessarily mean sustained growth. Your team may be happy to see the money that your app brings in each day.

But… are you tracking which features draw people in? Are there certain sections where people seem to be dropping out? How many times a day do people use your app? It is vital to measure these parameters in order for you to improve your app and maintain user engagement. Consider measuring the following critical performance indicators to avoid post-launch app mistakes:

  • DAU and MAU are your daily and monthly active users.
  • Measure retention rates for 1, 7, and 30 days. This will enable you to assess how much your app is incorporated into the daily lives of your consumers.
  • ARPU – Your average revenue per user. This can be calculated as follows: ARPU = Total revenue generated from the app/total active users.
  • LTV, or Lifetime Value is the value of an app user during their entire lifetime. This can be calculated as LTV = ARPU * (1/CHURN), CHURN being the number of users who left the app within a certain time period.

Don’t be too obsessed with numbers and try to measure every aspect of your app. Work on enhancing the metrics you decide is most crucial for the success of your company. This will help define the success of the app in the long term.

3. Not Using Your App’s Update Description Space for Marketing   

According to Google’s Our Mobile Planet research, smartphone users download 25 applications on average each month, while this figure might reach 40 in some nations.

It is obvious that a user may not update every app when they notice so many updates, especially if all the description says are “bug fixes.”

Use the space in the app description to market what’s new and interesting about your app, along with the fixes. This is a good way to bring back users that haven’t used your app for a long time. PC Gamer magazine is a good example.

They are not only informing their users of the improvements in the latest app version, but they also use the space for updates to highlight the free trial and provide details about customer support.

The issue of customer service is often forgotten. You can hire mobile app developers or a person who is skilled in social media marketing. You can collaborate with influencers that have a large reach in the market you’re interested in.

4. Not Paying Attention to Customer Support   

One of the major post-launch app mistakes is not paying attention to customer support. Your app may have thousands, or even millions, of users. In a highly competitive market, each user needs to be treated with respect. Word of mouth can be a powerful marketing tool, but it can also be detrimental if you do not pay attention to the users.

Google Play allows marketers to reply directly to customers, unlike Apple’s App Store. Although this feature is available to all developers now, not everyone uses it to provide prompt support to customers. Here’s an excellent example of a developer who offered his support email to a client so that problems may be resolved confidentially and answered their inquiry the same day.

5. Not Giving Users Their Space and Freedom from Push Notifications   

A push notification is a potent tool you can use to persuade users to do things like check-in or take a photo. No matter how fantastic your software is, consumers will uninstall it if you bug them. Plan your push notifications and allow users to turn them off if desired. Be mindful of the various time zones while delivering push notifications.

6. Not Personalizing Your App Review Pitch Email

As soon as the software is available for download, marketers want to send emails. It goes without saying that all the information you need to know about your app should be included, but marketers tend to forget one important aspect: personalizing each message.

You can either leave out the reviewer’s name and web address, or you can add them, but make sure to double-check and not copy and paste. If an email is addressed incorrectly, most reviewers won’t even give it a second glance. Include the following to avoid Post launch app mistakes:

  • Name, price, and USP of your app
  • App Store Link
  • Reviewers who like visual pitches can access the trailer.
  • Press Kit for your App

7. Not offering Incentives for Sharing or Liking

Remember Facebook from 2009? Remember when all you saw on your Facebook feed were Farmville successes? The trend died out eventually. Users don’t share or tweet their high scores in an app for no reason. If you want to increase your social media audience, adding a Share, Like, or Tweet button to your app may not be enough. Each share must be earned.

Encourage users to perform or share an action by offering incentives. The app will unlock bonus levels even if the user doesn’t share. It not only gets you likes and tweets, but it also builds goodwill with users who do not want to share.


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8. Lack of Resources in Terms of Data   

The next major Post launch app mistakes are lack of resources. Before you even realize it, a product has already chosen its market. Accepting this and promoting your app will result in disasters for all age groups.

You must determine which groups of people would be most interested in your application. You need to create campaigns that target the audience most likely to be interested in your application.

If you’re launching a new dating site, for example, you should channel 70% of your marketing budget toward young adults. Do we really see our grandparents swipe left and right in dating apps?

9. App Store Optimization

App Store Optimization (also known as ASO) is a term used to describe the process of optimizing your app for the App Store. You will receive guidelines on how to design your application.

These guidelines are issued by various publishing platforms. Users can see applications that have been created with the ASO in mind and adhere to its policies within the section on features or recommendations. Users are more likely to download and utilize your app if you do this.

Our opinion is that developing an app that is not ASO-friendly will be a huge mistake. You should do some research about ASO-friendly apps. You need to pay attention to the details of the app name, important words in the description (keywords, for example), etc.

Receiving favorable ratings for consumer feedback is crucial. You can also increase the reach of your app by doing this. You can also look for a mobile app development company that will create an ASO-friendly application for you.

10. Brand Name

We have seen many people make the mistake of selecting the wrong name for their product. Yes, it is one of the prime post-launch app mistakes that developers make. Your company’s logo and name will tell a lot about you. Consider this free marketing. Your customers are less likely to return to your app if they can’t connect the name of your company with the product.

The best way to launch a mobile app is with a brand name. You should think of a name that is memorable, simple to understand, and easy to recall. You can conduct regular surveys in order to understand the perspectives of your customers and make changes accordingly.

Here’s a tip. You must not only focus on a name for your brand but also on a logo that is attractive and the colors used in it. This is just as important. The colors you choose can say a lot about the brand. It is not recommended to have a logo with too many colors. Taglines are another thing to keep in mind.

11. Not Developing a Microsite.

How does a microsite work to market my app, and what is it? You are probably thinking this at this point. Microsites are independent web pages or groups of them that you can create to promote your website. Many people do not understand that this is a great marketing strategy.

You would not have thought that a microsite could help you increase the sales of an app. Attaching blogs that speak about your product is the best way to do this. You can discuss why your app is useful and its features. You can also attach a link to your application, called a “call to action” button.

These Post launch app mistakes must be avoided. Your app downloads will rise dramatically once this microsite is ranked in the search engine.

You can collaborate with other microsites or bloggers and add a button for your app to their website. As a result, you will be able to contact more people more quickly. You can also attach screenshots within your microsite to show how your application is used step-by-step. You can also attach audio or video to engage your customers.

12. Neglecting Security

A mobile app developer must always keep security in mind to avoid Post launch app mistakes. When someone registers on your app, they will share vital information like their email address and password.

You will also be sharing the username and password if you allow registration through social media. Hackers from all over the globe are waiting to hack into the accounts of these users and use the personal information they contain against them. You don’t want your customers worried about this.

When developing an application, consider the safety of users. Your app must be trusted by the users to allow them to use and recommend it to others. This function may be used to promote your goods.

Checklists for the Suggested Launch of Mobile Apps

We’ve already discussed the ideological Post launch app mistakes app dedicated developers made, and how they can take a misfire to glory. What is the roadmap for course correction when creating a mobile launch checklist? For both Android and iOS, there are various rules. The following steps can be incorporated into your app launch strategy to ease the transition between pre-market and post-launch.

1. Android App Launch Checklist

When publishing an app on the Android Play Store, you should follow the steps below:

  • Note the developer program policies
  • Create your developer account
  • Prioritize localization
  • Release your app and promote it on multiple platforms simultaneously
  • Conduct a quality analysis to ensure cross-compatibility between devices
  • Keep up with the latest API releases
  • Engineer your Android App Bundle
  • Play Store listings: How to strategize
  • Pre-registration is a great way to promote your app.
  • Test the Android App Bundle by uploading it to a test track (open or closed).
  • Pre-launch test reports: Analyze them
  • Set your app’s price and distribution geography
  • Pick applicable distribution options
  • Create in-app subscriptions and products
  • You can set your app’s rating according to the age group it is intended for.
  • Publish the app after running the remaining checks
  • Start promotions
  • Never ignore incoming feedback, such as ratings or comments in the Play Store
  • Stabilize the app with additional uptime quality checks
  • Your Android app has been released. Good job!

2. Checklist For iOS App Launch

You can find a summary of the iOS Launch Checklist for Mobile Apps so that you can publish your app in the iOS app store to get rid of Post launch app mistakes.

  • Create an app distribution profile and certificate
  • Create your App Store Connect account
  • Archive your application
  • Upload the app using Xcode
  • Create an App Store Connect record and configure app metadata.
  • Submit your application to be reviewed by the content moderators
  • Check the status of your application after some time.
  • Your app will be published successfully if everything goes well.


Mobile application development is a huge opportunity. App success can be achieved by focusing on aspects such as user engagement, fixing errors, improving app performance, improving the user experience, and eliminating any inconveniences.

Launching an app is complex and multi-faceted. It is important to take into account all aspects to ensure that the launch goes smoothly. It is crucial to plan and prepare thoroughly and comprehensively to avoid costly mistakes. You can avoid making the most common post-launch app mistakes by following the advice presented in this guide.


Is It Free to Launch An App?   

Apple and Google charge app developers fees. Apple Developer Program membership costs $99 annually to upload your app on the App Store.

What Are the Benefits of a Product Launch?

This is the perfect time to attract more customers and increase your revenue. A marketing campaign allows people to become more aware of the features of the product and purchase it immediately after its release.

What is the Success Rate of a Product Launch?

According to Harvard Business School, 95% of newly launched products fail within the first year.

How Much Does Mobile App Development Cost?

The mobile app development cost depends on various factors including the complexity of the app, features, locations, UI/UX design, etc. On average, the estimated cost for a mobile app will be around $25000-$50000 and beyond.

How Do You Launch an App Successfully?

You must check out the below tips to avoid Post launch app mistakes and launch your app successfully:

  • Do a bit of research about the market and rivalries.
  • Establish A Strategic Pricing Approach.
  • Create Branded Visuals and Screenshots for Marketing.
  • Make Your Mobile App Search Engine Friendly.
  • You can get early testimonials for your description.
  • Create a Media Outreach Strategy
  • Launch Your Initial Web Presence