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The Covid-19 pandemic had quite a blow on the whole world, with the exceptions of only local businesses or businesses related to everyday commodities that survived without much damage.

After the world re-adjusted to the new normal, there was a general revelation that the only community that was not affected by the pandemic was online. All businesses as a result took to the web to get back their customers and to revive what they had lost.

There were a boost and sudden attention to the world of IT. With the help of mobile app development company services, we were able to use technology to restart the world that was shut down because of the pandemic, proving itself an inevitable part of everyday life.

Even the section of people who didn’t care much about it were forced to find their niche and comfort in the world of technology. The following are some of the innovative ways technology was able to revive businesses that took a dip because of the pandemic.

1. Time Tracking Software

This is one for productivity efficiency since for businesses time is money. So, if there’s a time unaccounted for at least during working hours, it would impact the output of businesses.

The time tracking software usually helps calculate the total time against the time used up for each task. It can also help pre-calculate the time that is going to be required for the completion of a specific project and can be used to pre-plan out each employee’s work time needed.

All the information pre-done gets sent to the specific employee account so he/she knows what is expected of them and the quota of his/her work for that specific week or month with a software development company.

time traking

This also eliminates the time used up for in-person briefings. This data is also mailed off to clients as proof of work or proof of progress so they can also be in the loop about their project.

It also helps improve customer relations with the company and boost business performance. Depending upon the kind of IT software that’s utilized, we can optimize how big or small the work distribution is for the team size.

2. Digital Dictation

An on-demand app development company understands how important it is to reduce documentation errors. When you integrate speech recognition software within your work, there’s a leap in work proficiency.

This is especially beneficial for businesses on a smaller scale as it helps save time by reducing the amount of work done. Using digital dictation, employees can speak out what is required to be typed and have it converted to digital documents and saved.

This has the added advantage that there is a lot more creativity when you don’t have to pay attention to small mistakes while typing, also speaking in itself has a creative flow to it making your ideas come out better.


Other than the text-to-speech option, the digital dictation software comes with the features of letting you control your devices using commands.

It even has a predictive speech application that helps you to save the time it takes to go back and correct your work. You need to select the software that’s most suited for your work and also how well you can navigate with technology.

So the ease of use, costs, and accuracy are some of the major factors to consider while making the purchase. There is a variety of free software with most of these features, but probably a little less accurate than the paid ones.

3. Project Management Software

Project management tools are a necessity while doing business in the age of technology. It is a comprehensive solution for problems such as project planning, scheduling and time management, resourcing, collaboration among many other features.

The project management software is a one-stop destination for smooth project management. It can help plan out projects easily, especially by keeping a check on all the different parts of a project via reminders or alerts.

Scheduling and time management are especially resourceful when you are trying to fit in your work within the timings of your employees in a small business.


Accounting is also a big part of a business. Some management software has a system to keep track of budgets and expenses, but sometimes people prefer to use completely separate software for their money tracking needs.

Ease of use should also be considered when you need to integrate different parts of a project into one software. So, it would be best to choose a project that you are comfortable with and you can get maximum use out of. Good software by a software development company would allow easy project planning and execution.

4. Digital Filing System

This is essential for small and big businesses alike. It’s not feasible to keep your documentation on paper for the risk of loss or difficulty in sharing them. But this needs to be done with high accuracy since these are very important files required for proof of business and other projects.

While selecting documentation or digital filing software for yourself, you need to put your budget, learning curve, and user amount into perspective.

Things to look out for when you shift to document digitization are proper scanning and importing of all documents into a central system. You need a comprehensive digital library to completely commit to digital filing, hence you need to hire dedicated developers.


Scanning is a crucial part of building your archive, the documents need to be accurately copied to ensure that the documents can have legal standing.

The last thing and most important part is security, the software used should be trustworthy and also have a secure firewall to safeguard all that is stored.

5. Workplace Messaging Apps

Instant work messaging apps are useful for connecting in-office and onsite or even work-from-home staff in real-time. This helps make work efficient and allows group communication to work smoother.

There are also benefits like saving overhead charges and space charges for a web development company. Breaking barriers while promoting employee engagement would be the focus of workspaces for 2021.


Sometimes meetings take up quite a long time that can be used for productive work, so by informing the major points and cutting out the extra time taken to arrange the meeting, and getting people there through instant messages, we can churn out more efficiently while keeping up with office hours.

6. Accounting Software

This is made by a software development company operated by professional accountants to keep track of the cash flow of an enterprise. It includes all details, including what is to be received as well as what is to be given and also the additional budgeting for the upcoming fiscal year and transaction history within the company.

This is integral for small and big businesses alike; the growth of the company can be assessed using this or predictions can be made as to what is to be expected for the future of the company. There’s also the feature of learning from the past in terms of budgeting and expenses done before.


The usage of accounting software includes simple and fast data entry, in-depth financial reports leading to better financial decisions, reduction of manual errors, time-saving, cost-saving, and most importantly gives scalability as the organization grows. Secure data storage related to vital company information is a great feature of this software.

7. Covid-19 Specific Businesses

The only people who thought of the pandemic as an opportunity were business people. Along with them, it was the IT company that collaborated with them and made simultaneous leaps.

Whatever the situation, there’s always some business opportunity lurking in the shadows. With attention to detail and an eye for what is relevant at the time, you too can start your business.

covid business

Home fumigation services, preventive medical supply services, at-home covid-19 tests service, etc., are just a few of the extremely profitable businesses brought in by the Coronavirus.

These in combination with web development companies are a recipe for success. All the above-mentioned business ideas, even though probable during the pandemic, are not without the risks associated with all businesses in general.

8. Teleconferencing Apps

This was a major hope for businesses during the pandemic, more specifically video-conferencing apps. It helped increase engagement between employees, who feel more professional under the watchful eye of their bosses, thus giving the meeting more attention.

It also helped build communication skills between the employer and the employee. There’s also increased efficiency that comes with the use of these apps as the whole travel time is cut down.


They are very sustainable because of how low maintenance it is to be present at the meetings. A mobile app development company can tweak the features for big businesses for them to comprehend the high amount of work that needs to go on in these apps.

9. Online Education

Selection, training, and employment of efficient employees are some crucial tasks of businesses. Along with that, businesses also have the added responsibility of keeping them up-to-date with the latest advancements in their specific fields in the form of workshops.

During the pandemic, however, this whole process came to a standstill with businesses barely being able to coordinate work with their employees.

But now, since they have started functioning properly, thanks to the web development company solutions, they can help get their employees up-to-date too.


Also, if an employee is trying to advance in their career and wants to be equipped with more education to apply for a higher designation, they can make use of online classes.

Online classes also have the benefit of being easily shared and can be kept track of. Small businesses can make use of the online education software as a way to learn more marketing or business strategies and to apply it for the growth of their company.

10. Social Media 

Let’s end with the most effective and least expensed marketing strategy in 2020, social media marketing. Most businesses, big or small, always have the disadvantage of not getting accurate customer feedback or at least not getting feedback on time.

Via social media marketing, there’s a direct contact bridge between the consumer and the business, which is especially beneficial when grievances arise and the customers feel like they are personally taken care of.

This is easier for small businesses as their customer base is small, hence it’s easier to manage the feedback system. For big businesses, they might need to hire a social media app development company and require more manpower to deal with the heavy influx of customer feedback or issues.

social media

Another great advantage of social media marketing is that the brands can better communicate what they are about and attract customers who will stay.

If there is something unique about your business and you can properly advertise it, it will become a factor for some section of the consumers to choose your business.

If people start relating to your brand and have good experiences with you, they might give you a free shout-out on their social media platforms without being even asked to do so, thus providing you a more authentic advertisement. Personal engagement equals trust between the business and its consumer and helps the business get a good following.

A Few Final Words

All the above-mentioned technological developments that helped businesses during Covid-19 are just a small fragment of how an on-demand app development company can improve upon an already existing business venture.

But these can also be taken into consideration if you have the whim to start a new business. The above-listed technology tools are not specific to a pandemic-ridden society but can also be used to help a business start or improve its productivity.

The world has gone completely online since the Covid-19 pandemic struck the global community. Hence, hiring an IT company would be a thoughtful step keeping in mind the unprecedented times.

Take into account the evolution of technology and integrate the various market trends as they come to make your business relevant for the consumers.