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Do you have a well-planned website development idea that could impact the success of your business?

If yes,

You have made a wise investment decision. In this digital era, businesses must have websites representing the brand.

Additionally, it has been predicted that the global web development market will be $56000.0 million in 2021 and will reach USD 89013.17 million by 2027, growing 8.03%. As a result, the demand for the high-functioning website has increased.

However, most businesses are completely unfamiliar with the website development life cycle (WDLC).

If you are in the same category, just relax; you have come to the right place. After discussing website development with my project manager, I am going to discuss a comprehensive and detailed guide to the website development life cycle phases.

This guide will also explore the must-have features, involved costs, and benefits of successful website development.


Quick Summary: “Know about the website development life cycle from initial research to final maintenance, along with significant features and costs involved. This blog also provides a clear understanding of the benefits of investment in website development.”


What is the Website Development Life Cycle?

The website development life cycle involves building and maintaining a website through various stages, including planning, designing, content creation, coding, testing, and launching. WDLC begins with collecting user requirements and developing and then following the standard protocol to build a unique website for a business.


What is the Website Development Life Cycle?
Image source: Dribbble


Website development ranges from creating a simple static page of plain text to high-complexity websites, electronic businesses, and social network services.


Market Analysis of Website Development Life Cycle

If you are considering a Web Development life cycle, you must know about the market condition. This will help you determine whether or not it’s profitable to build your website. According to the study, the global web development market was worth USD 60709.6 million in 2022 and is projected to reach USD 96748.41 million by 2028 at a CAGR of 8.08%.

Market share of the leading website builders worldwide as of 2023


Market Analysis of Website Development Life Cycle


Source: Statista

Wix, an Israeli startup with over 43% of the global website builder market, will lead in 2023. Squarespace and Weebly, the second and third most popular website builders, both have over 30% market share.


Why Should Businesses Invest in Website Development?

Investing in custom web development is not just about building an online space for your business; it’s about grabbing the opportunities the digital world offers. Still, if you are wondering whether or not to invest money, time, and resources in the life cycle of website development, look at the following points:


Why Should Businesses Invest in Website Development?

1. Online Presence 24\7

A website is a business’s 24/7 internet presence. Customers can access the information they want about your product and services, browse offerings, and make a purchase when they want, regardless of location. Hence, it expands the business’s reach beyond geographical boundaries and traditional business hours.


2. Cost-effective Marketing

Compared to traditional advertising methods, Codeigniter Development offers a cost-effective way for businesses to reach their target audience. Businesses can implement SEO(search engine optimization) strategies to increase the website’s organic ranking in search results. Hence, it helps to attack qualified leads without high advertising costs.


3. Increase Brand Awareness

Websites are significant platforms for showcasing a brand’s identity. Through strategic design, engaging visuals, and compelling content, entrepreneurs can effectively deliver their brand message and values to a big audience. Hence, this increases brand awareness and recognition, which makes specific brands more memorable to customers.


4. Enhanced Credibility

In the current digital era, customers expect businesses to have a professional digital presence. As per the web portal development services provider, reliable website with a user-friendly interface and clear information builds trust and establishes credibility. Hence, it portrays businesses as reliable and invested in customer experience.


5. Improved Lead Generation and Sales

The website allows businesses to capture leads by creating contact forms, e-commerce functionalities, email sign-up options, and more. Businesses can target demographics with tailored content and offers that drive conversations and boost sales. Hence, these are the top reasons that prove why investing in NodeJS Development is profitable for businesses.


Mohit Nag (Project Manager)

The website development life cycle is quite a complex process. When working on it, my team and I face many challenges regarding the use of technology, mandatory features, resources, and more. However, after practicing again and again, we gain what we want. During the journey, we have learned that how to develop a website within a limited budget and resources. We have also learned which tech should be used for different types of websites. Hence, I am going to share my experience to help you know how you can develop a website with fewer resources and cost. 


7 Key Stages of Website Development Life Cycle

Now that you have learned how web development solutions can benefit your business, let’s dive into the software development life cycle. Do you know how website development works? If no, fear not, as this blog section will discover the most straightforward web development life Cycle.


7 Key Stages of Website Development Life Cycle


1. Conduct Research

The foundation of a successful website lies in understanding the target audience and purpose behind website development. Most businesses need to pay more attention to these steps as they fear failure.

The initial research includes user personas, analysis of competitor websites, development of site maps, and technical feasibility. This stage aims to find out the problem your website is trying to solve by offering the best solution.


2. Strategic Planning

After completing your research, it’s time to define your project’s scope, set attainable goals, and outline the approach that helps you meet your business goals. With a well-crafted strategy, consider your project’s technical aspects, including the framework and architecture you will use in your Laravel development.

Furthermore, the website development budget timeline and content management system should be considered.


3. Website Designing

It’s the critical stage where visual concepts come to life. Design is critical since it directly impacts the website’s UI/UX. Here, designers create user interface, focusing on usability, responsiveness, and aesthetics.

Carefully choose color schemes, imagery, typography, and overall layout that resonate with your target audience and brand identity. You are advised to hire a Vuejs development company with an excellent grasp of front-end technology.


4. Content Creation

It’s’ another critical stage where textual and multimodal elements are created. High-quality content majorly contributes to the website’s success. This stage includes creating informative and engaging images, text, videos, and multimedia elements. Through content, you can interact with end-users and convert them into customers.

So, consider the problem and receive feedback from them so that a required solution can be offered.


5.  Website Development

Once the design and content are finalized, you can start developing your website. Here, the full stack development company use programming language and framework to develop a website that integrates all the planned functionalities.

Additionally, the front-end developers translate the design into the code to make the website’s interface user-friendly and interactive. The website development company also implements the design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. On the other hand, back-end developers focus on database administration, service-side logic, and application integration.




6.  Testing Process

Testing is the most critical step, ensuring that your website is secure and functional. With teh help of IT consulting services provider, conduct different tests such as functional testing, user acceptance testing, usability testing, and so on.

For instance, usability testing observes real users interacting with wbesiet and identifies their pain points so that necessary improvements can be adjusted. Different tests will help you identify and fix bugs. Also, ensure a smooth user experience across different platforms before going to live.


7.  Website Maintenance

After receiving approval from the quality assurance team, you can now make your website live. However, your work is still ongoing here. For a successful golang development, collect continuous feedback from the users to help you know where more improvements can be made.

Additionally, regular maintenance ensures that users are engaged. You can keep your website competitive by adding new features, security measures, and other things.


Read More:Cost to Build a Website


Must-have Features of a Website

As you know, a website acts as the face of the brand and shapes visitors’ first impressions. Hence, as per the web design company, to make your website professional, reliable, and trustworthy, incorporate the following features. It will help you cultivate credibility and confidence in customer’s minds.


Must-have Features of a Website


1.  Brand Name and Logo

When users land on your website, your company’s name and logo must be displayed on the website’s home or landing page.


2. Easy Navigation

Develop a user-friendly website with straightforward navigation. When users visit your website, enable them to start with the menu to find whatever they are looking for.


3. Fats Loading Speed

Users do not like waiting, so optimize the image and code on your website for speedy load times to keep visitors engaged.


4. Mobile-friendly Design

As most of the browsing happens on phone, your website must look flawlessly functional on different devices.


5. Calls to Action

Help visitors with what you want them to do next. A strong CTA with completing buttons guides visitors toward your goals.


Most Effective And Latest Trends In Web Development 2024


6. Seamless Search Functionality

Develop a website that allows users to find what they need easily. With an intuitive search board, they navigate easily.


7. Accessibility Features

Integrate features like alt text for images and proper coding for a screen reader. This will help you cater to a wider audience.


8. Responsive Design

This web design approach allows users to adjust the layout on their devices to view the website, providing a seamless user experience.


9. Social Media Integration

Connect with the target audience and extend your market reach by sharing your content easily with social media buttons.


10. Analytics Tracking

Understand your visitors! To do this, track website traffic and user behavior to optimize your website for better outcomes.


How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Website?

If you are looking to build your own website, you are wondering what is the cost of CakePHP development. Well, there is no fixed web development cost. However, on average, your website development cost can range between $8000 and $27000, depending on various factors.

These factors include the website’s design, features, functionality, development team, etc. Furthermore, if you have some unique idea of requirements for your website, then it increases the website’s complexity level again can change the cost as mentioned in the table below:

Website Development Life Cycle


Website Development Life Cycle



Estimated Cost Time Frame
Simple Website Development Life Cycle



$8000 – $13000 3 to 6 Months
Medium-Complex Website Development Life Cycle




$13000 – $21000 6 to 9 Months
High-Complex Website Development Life Cycle



$27000+ 10+ Months


We hope this cost table has given you a general cost estimation of meanstack development. However, if you are curious to know more, then it would be better for you to hire a custom web development company. The company will help you prepare a website development budget by analyzing your project’s requirements perfectly.


How Much Does it Cost to Maintain a Website?

Apart from the Django Development cost, website maintenance also must be considered. It’s an additional expense that includes domain registration, maintenance, hosting, and updates. With time, your website will also be outdated.

Hence, you have to keep it functional and competitive. You must spend around 15 to 20%  of the website development life cycle development. When maintaining your website, ensure that all your business goals are attained without compromising the quality.

If you do not know how to keep your website maintained, you are advised to hire a Python development company. The company will help you not just maintain your website but also keep users engaged and retained for a long time.


Wrapping Up!

Website development is an exciting journey. However, it also requires careful planning and implementation. It involves understanding the market research, user requirements, planning, designing, developing, testing, and maintenance that require a lot of effort, money, and resources.

Hence, if you are also considering a website development life cycle, hire web developers who can do all this successfully. For instance, Dev Technosys is one of the leading website development companies with a team of skilled developers. We at Dev Technosys dive into the life cycle approach of website development to ensure the project we are working on is built on a foundation of innovation and excellence.


So what are you waiting for? Share your website’s requirements with us, and attain your business goals.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Is the  Cost Of Angularjs Development?

The average AngularJS Development costs range between $8000 and $27000. However, this cost can fluctuate if you have special project requirements, as they require unique resources and more effort.


2. How Long Does It Take To Create A Website?

The time required to develop a website depends on the complexity of your project. A website with basic features will take 3 to 6 months, whereas a website with complex requirements will take around 10 months.


3. What Technologies Are Used In The Website Development Life Cycle?

The website development cycle uses the following technologies

  • Front-end Development: HTML, JavaScript, and CSS
  • Back-end Development: Database, server-side language, Web framework


A content management system, testing framework, and version control system are also used.


4. How To Monetize A Website?

There are various ways through which you can monetize your websites

  • Start affiliate marketing
  • Create sponsored content
  • Create membership websites
  • Flip your website
  • Sell ad space


5. Why Should I Hire a Website Development Company?

Hiring a website development company ensures experience, expertise, and adherence to industry best practices. Professionals also guide you through the website development life cycle and deliver a visually appealing and high-functioning website.