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“These days, many companies’ models are not “B2B” – they are “B-whatever-the-analysts-want-you-2-B.” If you stay focused on members then you will succeed in the long run”. – Jack Ma

 Imagine una manía de compras en la que las ofertas caen como confeti y se revelan nuevos tesoros con cada toque. Ahí la tienes: ¡la magia de una aplicación como Miravia! Miravia es una aplicación de comercio electrónico española que se ha apoderado del mercado español. Para 2026, el mercado del comercio electrónico en España aumentará, lo que puede ser una oportunidad de oro para que los emprendedores inviertan en el desarrollo de aplicaciones de Miravia. 🇪🇸   

In 2024, the world of online commerce is experiencing a dramatic turmoil, making it more critical than ever for entrepreneurs to develop an e-commerce app like Miravia. The e-commerce market size is estimated to reach $328.68 million in 2031. As a result, this data indicates the need for ecommerce app development.

The online shopping market is about to grow, so it is a great idea to invest in Miravia app development. If you’re still stuck on the decision whether to build an app like Miravia or not, this blog should help clear things up.

We highlight the key features, development cost, and other aspects of this app while describing how to design an app similar to Miravia that meets customer expectations.

So, let’s begin!


What Is A Miravia App 🛒? 

Miravia is 🆎 Alibaba Group’s newest business in Spain. It is the Chinese company’s planned entry into the European market. It takes the worldwide eCommerce experience to its newest company which makes a B2C marketplace for Spain’s growing number of online shoppers.


What Is A Miravia App? 


The goal of this Miravia app, which includes areas for electronics, technology, fashion, and devices, as well as home and yard, sports and entertainment, food and drinks, is to change the way users shop. So, if you have a similar idea of Miravia app development, it is crucial to validate it with an online shopping app development company.


Is Miravia App Development Worth the Investment?

“Yes”, in a nutshell! If we go deeper into the question, there are various figures that support that claim. Let’s take a look at the Miravia’s market statistics given by a mobile app development company in Spain:     


Is Miravia App Development Worth the Investment?


Source: Statista

  • With about 7 million downloads, Miravia, Alibaba’s online market, came in second. The vintage clothes site Vinted came in third.
  • There were 87 million hits to Miravia’s website in April.
  • internet marketplaces are where most internet purchases are made around the world as of 2023.
  • It is thought that $5.8 trillion worth of goods were bought online in 2023. It is forecasted that these figures will expand by 39% in the coming era, and it will likely be more than $8 trillion by 2027.
  • Around $57.22 trillion will be spent on online shopping around the world by 2032, up from $14.14 trillion in 2022. This is an increase of 15% per year from 2023 to 2032.


Mohit Nag (Project Manager): Working in Dev Technosys for over 7 years, I have built many ecommerce applications for clients. Witnessing the evolution firsthand, my team and I’ve transformed from simple product catalogs to dynamic platforms. Making ecommerce apps is more than just adding virtual try-on functions and nice layouts. I’ll share our development stages we follow for ecommerce apps.

7 Major Steps To Build An App Like Miravia

When you build an app Akin to Miravia, it requires extensive study and technology expertise. If you are a newbie entrepreneur ,this guide to build an ecommerce app like Miravia will help you. So, let’s check out the steps: 


7 Major Steps To Build An App Like Miravia

1. Validate Your App Idea

Before you build an app like Miravia, it is best to validate your ecommerce app idea with an ecommerce app development company. It will assist you in determining whether it really solves a target audience issue. Also, it will help you analyze who are competitors and what unique features you will add in your app to stand out.


2. Do Market Research 

In this stage of Miravia app development, you must conduct a rigorous market study. It includes competitor analysis and user interviews. For examining the patterns and behavior of the intended audience, these are crucial. It allows you to choose the right platform and make sure that the features are useful for the people you want to reach.


3. Choose the Right Platform 

Before selecting the platform type for Miravia online shopping app development, it is advised by the Android app development company to know all the ins and outs of your business. Knowing this makes it easy to choose whether you want to build an app like Miravia for Android, iOS, or both. To reach your target group, you should obviously go after the mobile app platform they use.


4. Define Feature Set

Now you now have a better idea of which issues your app similar to Miravia needs to fix. Also, which features will make users happy because you have input from users, expert views, trends, and the desire to beat your competitors. You can take help from a custom mobile application development company to assist you choose which app feature should be at the top of the list and in your budget.


5. Make UI/UX Design

Once you choose the feature list, it is time to work on some UI/UX design. Your brand’s voice and identification in the eyes of your potential audience will be shaped by UI design. So, it is best to impress your users with eye-catching color schemes, visually engaging images, and seamless page transitions.


Expert Tip: People will switch to the other website or app if your Miravia ecommerce mobile app clone is difficult to use. So, it’s best to make designs and UX that look good and get people’s attention. 


6. Develop An MVP

During the MVP stage, you must concentrate on the most essential features when you build an app like Miravia clone. The online shopping app development services provider suggests evaluating the Miravia-like app on an ongoing basis.

This leads to more adjustments, rather than launching a fully functional product straight away. Aside from gaining user feedback, MVP app development seeks to speed up development, lower risks, and more effectively utilize available resources.

ecommerce app cta


7. Test & Launch

In the last stage to build an app like Miravia, you must take help from testers to fix the bugs and errors if found any. Once fully tested, you can release your Miravia app clone to the public. Also, it is crucial to perform a regular check on your app. You can also take help from a mobile app support and maintenance services provider to update your app.


15 Must-have Features Of Miravia App Development

Features make your Miravia-like app successful. So, there are specific features that you must add when you build an app like Miravia. The ecommerce app development features  will give your target audience a smooth shopping experience. So, let’s check out them:   


Features Description
Browsing Products Users can browse for a variety of items and products of their choice  across different categories.
Product Details They can view details about products like visuals, descriptions, specifications, and reviews.
Payment Gateway Integration When you create an app like Miravia, add payment gateway integration to ensure a smooth transaction on your app.      
Filtering and Sorting Users can also filter and sort items by price, brand, category, discount, color, size etc.
Wishlist They can add products to their wishlist to save them for later purchase.
Shopping Cart When you build an app like Best Buy or Miravia, add a shopping cart feature. It helps users to add items to their cart to complete the purchase.
Push Notifications They can always stay updated about new items, promotions, and order updates through the push notification feature.
Order Tracking Users can easily track the status of their orders and view delivery information with custom ecommerce app development.
Flash Deals and Limited-Time Offers Hire dedicated developers who can make an app like Miravia which helps users to join in flash deals and limited-time offers to get discounts.
Order History With an order history feature, users may check their order history and track last orders.
Reviews and Ratings When you develop an app like Miravia, add a rating feature. It assists users to check out other users’ feedback.
Promotions and Discounts An app like SHEIN and Miravia provides many promotions, discounts, and coupons features.
 Virtual Try – On With AR technology, users may “try on” apparel and accessories digitally. It improves the shopping experience and cuts down on returns.    
AI Chatbot With AI chatbot development, users can access customer support through the app for help with orders, returns and so on.

5 Best Ecommerce Apps Like Miravia

If you are planning to develop an ecommerce app like Nasty Gal or Miravia, you need to be aware of its alternatives. From customization to amazing UX, below are the best Miravia alternatives.     


5 Best Ecommerce Apps Like Miravia



Apps Like Miravia Available Platform Key Features Downloads Ratings   
Shein Android | iOS
  • Input from the users 
  • Personalizable search and filtering feature  
  • In-App notifications
500M+ 4.3
Temu Android | iOS
  • Wide range items & goods
  • Low price strategy 
  • Bidding capabilities 
100M+ 4.7
Alibaba Android | iOS
  • AI chatbot
  • Custom product listing 
  • Multiple language supported
100M+ 4.5
Best Buy Android | iOS
  • In-store mode
  • AI based personalized recommendation 
  • AR integration
10M+ 3.6
Nasty Gal Android | iOS
  • Fast & secure checkout
  • Real-time track your orders
  • Voice search
1M+ 4.4

Technology Stack Used To Build An App Like Miravia 

To build an app like Miravia, you need to be well-aware of a few technologies. So, below are the essential tech stacks given by a shopping app development company in Spain which you may have a look:   


Component Technologies
Frontend React Native, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin
Backend Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), Java (Spring Boot)
Database SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase
API Integration RESTful APIs, GraphQL, SOAP
Authentication OAuth, JWT
Push Notifications Firebase Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service
Analytics Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics
Version Control Git, GitHub, Bitbucket
Deployment Google Play Store, Apple App Store, TestFlight, Firebase App Distribution

What Is the đź’° Cost To Build An App Like Miravia?

Now you have a question “how much will the Miravia ecommerce app development cost?”. Well, it may range between $10000-$25000 but can fluctuate with the complexity of your ecommerce project.

For example, if you want a Miravia-like app for a single platform, it may cost you around $10000-$15000. However, the cost for both the platforms will increase up to $25000. So, it is recommended to build a cross-platform app which can be in your budget. Let’s now look at the table of cost to build an app like Miravia:


Factor / Integration Cost Range ($)
Basic UI/UX Design $1000 – $3000
Frontend Development $2000 – $6000
Backend Development $2000 – $6000
Database Setup $500 – $1500
API Integration $1000 – $3000
Authentication System $500 – $1500
Push Notifications Setup $500 – $1500
Analytics Integration $500 – $1500
Version Control System $200 – $500
Deployment Setup $500 – $1500
Testing and QA $1000 – $3000
Project Management $500 – $1500
Contingency (10-20%) $800 – $5000
Total Cost $8000 – $25000


Now you are well-versed with the Miravia online shopping app development cost, let’s get to know how Miravia makes money.

How Does Miravia App Make Money? 

Miravia makes money primarily through commissions on sales. Below are the two major breakdowns of their monetization strategy.

  • Commission Fees: They charge sellers a commission on each sale. It typically starts from 2.10% on the product category amount. This is a standard way for online marketplaces to generate revenue.
  • Seller Benefits: Unlike some marketplaces that charge monthly or setup fees, Miravia doesn’t. This can be attractive to sellers, potentially leading to a larger pool and more product variety for Miravia.


Ready To Create An App Like Miravia!

That’s about it for this blog. Now you have gained a better understanding of the process of  developing the Miravia app clone. Hope these steps will prove useful when you build an app like Miravia with a comparable feature set.

So, if you want to skyrocket your offline shopping business, it is the perfect time to hire an ecommerce app development company in Spain and give a boost to your business. We are the best partners who develop a customization solution that works for your potential audience.


Frequently Asked Questions!

1. How Much Does It Cost To Build An App Like Miravia?

The overall cost to build a Miravia-like app can lie between $10000-$25000. The cost can go up and down depending on your project requirements. You can contact a Miravia app development company for exact cost.


2. What Are the Benefits Of Miravia App Development?

When you build an app like Miravia, you will get multiple benefits from it. Here are some of them:

  • Brand Recognition
  • Higher Conversion Rates
  • Lower Cart Abandonment
  • Increased Customer Loyalty
  • Better Efficiency


3. Do I Need An Ecommerce App For My Business?

Yes! Commencing an ecommerce business is essential because it is all about providing a unique user experience. If you need to create shopping app for your ecommerce business, you will be able to:

  • Boost Your Brand Identity
  • Enhance Customer Loyalty
  • Improved Marketing Communication
  • Increase Revenue


4. How Long Will It Take To Build An App Like Miravia?

The average time to develop an app like Miravia relies on your chosen tech stack. If you go for a simple Miravia-like app, it may take 2-4 months while a complex Miravia-like app can take up to 8 months or more.


5.   Why Should You Choose Us For Miravia App Development?

Dev Technosys is an online marketplace development company with expertise in creating innovative and feature-rich ecommerce apps. You should hire mobile app developers from Dev Technosys for your project. Below are few parameters to choose us:

  • Experienced app developers
  • Proven track record of success
  • Innovative and creative solutions
  • Focus on quality and user experience