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“Sustainable fashion is not just a trend; it’s a lifestyle. Embrace the beauty of secondhand treasures and reduce your fashion footprint.” – Emma Watson.

Vinted, Poshmark, Depop, and Mercari are the apps you find when searching for the best online resale apparel apps. Vinted has also been downloaded almost three million times by users on mobile devices worldwide since April 2023.

But the main question comes to every entrepreneur’s mind: why build an app like Vinted?

How creating a buy-and-sell clothes app will assist in monetizing?

The second-hand clothing industry in the USA is expected to grow to over $350 billion by 2027. Additionally, by 2027, the online re-commerce market – which includes all categories – is expected to reach $100 billion in resale value. Are these statistics enough to convince you that Vinted is a great app?

The data indicates that the online apparel reselling market is expected to grow in the coming years. You can make real money by creating your own app to buy and sell clothing.

In this blog, we will discuss how to build an app like Vinted. We’ll also cover its main features and costs and help you create a buy-and-sell clothes app that your customers will love.


What is a Vinted App?

Vinted is a mobile app that allows users to buy and sell used clothing. The majority of these applications include an easy-to-use design that makes it straightforward to explore, list, and purchase products. Vinted, Depop, and Poshmark are some of the most popular online resale clothes apps.

Vinted has no fees for using the app and no charges to sell. The app allows users to create listings, complete with photos and descriptions. They can then chat with buyers and sellers via the chat feature. The app offers a secure payment system for buyers to pay once an item has been sold. Vinted offers buyer protection so that users are protected from scams.

So, if you are planning to build an app like Vinted for your thrift store, then it is vital to hire dedicated developers who have expertise in creating a robust app for your business.


Why Invest in Resale Clothes App Development? 

Why Invest in Resale Clothes App Development?
Source: Statista


  • In 2023, the global secondhand apparel market was valued at 211 billion U.S. Dollars. This was expected to reach more than 350 billion U.S. dollars by 2027.
  • The second-hand Vinted app was downloaded almost 90,000 times by Dutch users in August 2022.
  • Vinted was the UK’s most famous fashion and beauty app by 2022. Vinted was also the top downloaded app in France in the same category of apps.
  • In April 2023, the mobile app for Vinted, an online marketplace that allows users to buy and sell second-hand clothes, was downloaded 3,08 million times. The highest number of downloads was 4,25 million in January 2021.
  • Vinted’s digital media retail advertising revenues in Europe will reach 18 million U.S. Dollars by 2022.
  • Vinted’s revenue increased to EUR 370.2 million in 2022 from EUR 245.1 in the previous year.
  • Vinted has been downloaded 29,1 million times by 2022.
  • In 2022, Vinted will have 65 million users registered. This is an increase of seven million over the previous year.


Steps to Build an App Like Vinted

By 2021, the United States will have 31.2 million online fashion resale marketplaces. This figure is expected by 2025 to reach 38,8 million buyers. Vinted’s success can inspire you to build an app that makes a difference for learners. Here is the process that an e-commerce app development company recommends to build an app like Vinted.


Steps to Build an App Like Vinted

1. Market Research and Planning

Before you start the process of clothes-buying app development, you should:

  • Conduct in-depth market research to understand better your target audience, their demands, and the competitive environment.
  • Identify unique features that set your app apart.
  • Develop a business plan that outlines your monetization strategies, target demographics, and marketing strategy.

2. Define Core Features

Outline your app’s core features. Vinted-like apps may have user profiles, product listings search and filter functionality, messaging, and a secure payments system. Consider adding features such as image recognition to categorize items and recommend algorithms.

3. Select the Right Tech Stack

The right technology stack will determine the performance and scalability of your app. Consider technologies and take assistance from Android app developers, such as React Native or Flutter, for cross-platform app development, a reliable framework like Django, Ruby on Rails, or a robust database. Integrate secure payment portals and ensure compliance with data privacy.

4. Design User-friendly UX/UI

Invest in an intuitive and clean user interface (UI). Prioritize simple navigation, attractive product displays, and an easy onboarding process. Implement a responsive design to ensure a seamless experience across various devices. It is the stage where user feedback can be invaluable in refining your technique.

ecommerce app cta

5. Develop and Test

With an emphasis on essential features, create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to kick off the Vinted app development process. You can hire mobile app developers who can help build backend architecture.

Also, test the app regularly to find and fix bugs quickly. For flexibility, consider implementing agile development methods. Security features such as user data encryption and secure authentication methods are essential.

6. Install a Secure Payment System

Integrating a reliable and secure payment system is essential. Secure transactions can be achieved by partnering with payment gateways. Use encryption protocols to protect financial information. Offer users a variety of payment methods, such as credit cards, digital wallets, and other popular methods.

7. Launch and Market Strategically

Launch your app on major platforms like the App Store or Google Play. Create a marketing strategy to increase awareness. Use social media, influencer relationships, and content marketing to reach your audience. Promoting user engagement with incentives and promotions is a great way to encourage users. Monitor feedback from users post-launch to continue improving.


Must-have Features to Build an App Like Vinted

The future is undoubtedly bright for buying and selling clothes apps and knowing the key features and tips to build an app like Vinted. What qualities should one incorporate into an app like Vinted, one would ask? A reputed mobile app development company explained the crucial features you must integrate into your app.


Must-have Features to Build an App Like Vinted

●  User Registration and Profile Management

Your app’s registration process is the first step. Offer different registration methods to accommodate users’ preferences. These consist of phone numbers, social media logins, and email addresses. It should be simple for users to build and manage profiles, including adding shipping and personal information. A profile that is detailed increases trust in the community.

Listings and Product Upload

It is essential to make creating listings as simple as possible. Provide a user-friendly uploading interface that allows users to upload multiple images, detailed product descriptions, and price information. Consider adding features such as image editing and tagging when you build an app like Vinted to improve the quality.

Search and Discovery

The success of your app depends on the ease with which users can find and use information. Use advanced search options such as keyword searches, filters (sizes, colors, brands, etc.), and more. Categories and categories. Sorting, suggested products, and saved search features ensure the user has a seamless experience.

User-to-User Messaging

Communication between buyer and seller must be secure and efficient. Users should be able to communicate product details, discuss prices, ask for clarifications, and negotiate. Consider adding features like instant messaging, message archiving, and image sharing.

Payment Processing

It is essential to have a robust and secure system for processing payments. Multiple payment methods such as PayPal, credit cards, and in-app wallets are necessary to accommodate user preferences. All transactions should be encrypted and adhere to industry-standard security standards. You must know that integrating such features can enhance the e-commerce app development cost. So, it is vital to choose the parts to build an app like Vinted carefully.

Ratings and Reviews

Allowing users to post feedback and reviews following successful transactions will help you build trust and transparency on your platform. User evaluations and ratings assist other buyers and sellers in making well-informed choices. Consider including a function letting users report or flag offensive behavior and material.

Push Notifications

It is essential to provide users with real-time notifications to maintain their interest. Notify users of new messages, likes for products, comments, and updates on order status. Make sure that notifications can be customized to meet user preferences.

In-App Shipping and Tracking

Streamline your shipping process by integrating solutions that allow sellers to print shipping labels within the app. Include tracking features and delivery notifications for buyers to stay informed.

A Beginner’s Guide To Build Ecommerce App

Social Integration

Utilize the power of social networks by allowing your users to share listings across popular platforms. Social integration can increase the visibility of your app and bring in more buyers.

Virtual Fitting Room

Consider incorporating cutting-edge technology such as Augmented Reality or Artificial Intelligence to provide users with a virtual experience. This feature lets users see how clothes will look on their bodies before they make a purchase.


List of Most Popular Apps Like Vinted   

Vinted is undoubtedly a popular online app for resale clothing. After extensive research, we’ve found several other applications worth exploring. These are the best apps to sell used clothes and earn handsome amounts. Here’s a quick look at:


List of Most Popular Apps Like Vinted   


Popular Apps Like Vinted Available Platforms Downloads Ratings
Depop Android | iOS 5M+ 4.1
Etsy Android | iOS 10M+ 4.8
Poshmark Android | iOS 10M+ 4.7
thredUP Android | iOS 5M+ 4.1
Mercari Android | iOS 10M+ 4.8

1. Depop

Depop is an e-commerce platform that combines social media with mobile shopping. Users can buy and sell used clothing, accessories, and unique items. It focuses on sustainability and individuality, allowing users to discover unique styles, connect with vendors, and curate their own fashion. Fashion lovers love the app’s easy-to-use interface and social integration.

2. Etsy

Etsy is a marketplace that offers handmade, vintage, and unique products. Users can find amazing products, connect with independent sellers, and secure purchases. The app’s intuitive UI and tailored suggestions provide a flawless experience. Being one of the best apps, you must develop marketplace apps like Etsy that link global shoppers and artists.

3. Poshmark

Users of the fashion app marketplace Poshmark may purchase and sell brand-new or lightly used apparel, accessories, and shoes. Buyers can browse through and buy items directly from the platform. Sellers create listings that include photos and descriptions. Poshmark allows users to share listings and negotiate prices. Users can also follow each other. The app is known for its diverse selection of fashion resale items and community-driven approach.

4. thredUP

thredUP, a popular secondhand clothing and accessories app, is available on mobile devices. Users can sell and buy high-quality pre-owned clothing at reduced prices. The app allows users to update their wardrobes sustainably by offering a variety of famous brand items. ThredUP’s user-friendly features and convenient interface make it easy to declutter and thrift and promote a circular and sustainable approach to fashion.

5. Mercari

Mercari, a mobile marketplace that is easy to use, allows individuals to buy or sell various items, including clothes, electronics, and home goods. Users can easily list items, communicate with buyers and sellers, or complete transactions in the app. Mercari is a great way to find bargains on secondhand goods or declutter your home.


Cost to Build An App Like Vinted

The mobile app development cost is dependent on several factors. Several things need to be taken into account, such as the features and complexity of the app, the platform (Android, iOS, or both) on which it is being created, and the developer’s fees.

In general, to build an app like Vinted can cost between $10,000 to $25,000 on average. The cost can also rise if you want to add features, such as AR try-on technology or AI-based personal styling services. The table below shows the cost to build an app like Vinted based on its complexity.


App Complexity Cost Estimation Time Duration
Simple App $10000-$14000 2-3 months
Medium App $15000-$20000 5-6 months
Complex App $25000 9 months


However, it is essential to contact a reputable on-demand app development company with experienced designers, testers, and developers to know the exact cost. They will tell you everything about the cost and clothes-selling app development process.


Final Thoughts!

Creating an app like Vinted requires a strategic approach, combining user-friendly design, robust functionality, and a secure infrastructure. By understanding the key features that make Vinted successful, you can embark on a rewarding journey to develop your own thriving online for buying and selling pre-loved fashion.

It’s time to begin your exciting journey after you’ve gotten a better idea to build an app like Vinted. Dev Technosys, an iOS and Android app development company, can assist you to build an app like Vinted and take your business to greater heights.



1. How Long Does it Take to Build an App Like Vinted? 

The time to build an app like Vinted depends on various factors, including complexity, features, and development resources. Generally, it can take 2-3 to 6-8 months or more. Efficient planning, skilled development teams, and a streamlined process can expedite the timeline, ensuring a timely launch of your marketplace app. You must consult a shopping app development company to know the exact time duration.

2. What Are the Benefits of Creating an App Like Vinted? 

Developing an app like Vinted offers numerous advantages. It taps into the booming market of sustainable fashion, fostering eco-conscious consumerism. Additionally, it provides a platform for users to declutter their closets, discover unique items, and engage in a community-driven marketplace. In 2022, Vinted’s revenue increased to €370.2 million from €245.1 million in the previous year.

3. What Are the Advanced Features to Build an App Like Vinted? 

To elevate your app like Vinted, incorporate advanced features such as AI-powered recommendation engines for personalized user experiences, secure payment gateways, real-time chat functionality, and AR try-on options.

4. How to Monetize an App Like Vinted?

Monetizing an app like Vinted involves implementing various revenue streams. Explore options like transaction fees, premium memberships offering enhanced features, targeted advertising, and partnerships with fashion brands. By diversifying revenue sources while maintaining a user-centric approach, you can create a sustainable and profitable business model for your app.