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Do you want to build commercial service software for healthcare business? Technology is changing the healthcare field in an enormous way. Patients want better access to care, and healthcare providers are looking for new ways to improve outcomes and speed up processes.    

This is where commercial healthcare software comes in. It gives you a lot of useful tools to adapt to these changing needs. The market for healthcare solutions is expected to hit $728.63 billion by 2029, growing at a rate of 15.24% CAGR from 2024 to 2029.  

This has opened the doors for startups to invest in healthcare commercial software development. So, if you are also one of those, this blog is for you! Read this to get an insight to build commercial service software for healthcare, along with its features, costs and so on. 

So, let’s begin!  


What Is Commercial Service Software For Healthcare? 

Commercial service software in healthcare isn’t directly involved in patient care. Instead, it helps healthcare businesses to run smoothly. For example, there’s software that can manage appointments, or analyze patient data to improve services.  

It may be anything from appointment scheduling tools to software that helps hospitals negotiate better rates with insurance companies. So, if you have a software idea and want to create commercial service software for healthcare, it is best to hire software developers.       


Build Commercial Service Software for Healthcare


Why Must You Invest In Commercial Healthcare Software Development? 

When investing in commercial healthcare software development, you can improve processes and give patients more power. Here’s are the reasons:   


Build Commercial Service Software for Healthcare


1. Boost Efficiency 

You can smoothen tasks and improve your report management with commercial healthcare software. It reduces the work of healthcare workers for patient care and reduces errors.   


2. Empower Patients

Investing commercial healthcare software provides appointment scheduling, virtual consultations, and remote monitoring tools. It improves convenience and engagement.


3. Boost Care Quality

You can use the data analytics for better diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and proactive intervention of patients. 


4. Gain a Competitive Edge

With commercial healthcare software development, you can attract and retain patients with a modern approach. By this way, you can gain a competitive edge among competitors.


Read More: EDI in Healthcare Industry


Key Features To Build Commercial Service Software For Healthcare

When you build commercial healthcare software, features are the most essential aspect. So, it is advisable to choose the best features keeping in mind your budget. Here are some of the key feature of software for commercial healthcare that you can take a look:   


Build Commercial Service Software for Healthcare


1. Secure EHR System

These are the building blocks of all healthcare software. They let authorized users safely store, manage, and share a patient’s medical information.     


2. Appointment Scheduling and Reminders

The healthcare CRM software makes it easier for both patients and healthcare providers to book appointments. With commercial healthcare CRM software, patients can see what times are open, and book them online.            


3. Telemedicine

This lets patients and doctors talk to each other over video conferencing from anywhere. The commercial healthcare management software is especially helpful for follow-up meetings, and mental health consultations.    


Build Commercial Service Software for Healthcare


4. Patient Portal

This safe online platform makes it easy for patients to handle their health care. Patients can see their medical reports, check results of their lab tests, and ask for refills on their prescriptions. Also, with Kiosk software development, patients can access data and monitor their health status.  


5. Secure Messaging

You must allow patients and providers to securely talk to each other, sending and receiving non-urgent texts. It also shares documents, and keeps an eye on medication adherence.


Read More: Build a Remote Patient Monitoring Software


6. Billing and Insurance Management

When you build commercial service software for healthcare, it automates tasks like filing claims, making sure people are eligible, and processing payments.  


7. Reporting and Analytics

When you build commercial service software for healthcare, it helps users in reporting patient demographics, treatment outcomes, and finances.    


8. Chronic Disease Management

The healthcare commercial service software development helps chronic disease patients manage their health. Also, you can invest in healthcare app development and provide a mobile app which can help users to track chronic disease.    


9. Patient Education 

It helps in offering patients access to content on  multiple health topics. Also, it may assist them to make the correct decisions about their health.


Read More: Patient Portal Development Solutions


Steps To Build Commercial Service Software For Healthcare 

In this section, we will discuss the major steps required to build commercial service software for healthcare. So, let’s have a look at the below steps: 


Build Commercial Service Software for Healthcare


1. Validate Your Software Idea

You must first validate your software idea with an IT consulting services provider. Once your idea is approved, do market research to ensure your software fills a genuine need in the healthcare landscape.   

However, you can have a talk with potential users, like doctors, nurses, or patients, to understand their queries. Also, research existing solutions and identify gaps your software can solve.       


2. Define Your Target Audience

In this stage, you will focus on knowing your target audience. Who will benefit most from your commercial healthcare software development? Are you targeting doctors managing patient records, patients scheduling appointments, or insurance companies streamlining claims processing? 

These questions must be solved to analyze your intended audience. A clearly defined target audience allows you to tailor features and user experience to their specific needs and workflows. Also, you must choose the best commercial healthcare technology to develop the software.    


3. Plan and Design

With a validated concept and defined audience, you should now create a detailed roadmap. It is the third step to build commercial service software for healthcare. You can plan out features, functionalities, and custom hospital management software timelines.  

Also, with the help of designers, create an amazing user interface. It is vital to focus on features based on user needs and create a clear, intuitive interface that fosters easy adoption within your target audience.


Read More: Mental Health EHR Software Development


4. Development and Testing 

This is the fourth stage to build commercial service software for healthcare. Development teams implement plans and designs into a functional product. Rigorous testing is crucial throughout the process. 

So, you must avail software testing services to identify and fix bugs to ensure smooth operation and a high-quality user experience. Also, usability testing with real users provides valuable feedback for further refinement.    


5. Deployment and Maintenance  

Last but not least, you must release your healthcare commercial software. However, you should timely check or update your healthcare software. So, you should provide technical support, and release updates with bug fixes and features enhancement. It ensures your software remains valuable and secure. 


Build Commercial Service Software for Healthcare


Cost To Build Commercial Service Software For Healthcare

“Cost”– it is the prior aspect that comes to every entrepreneur’s mind. So, the healthcare commercial services software development cost may lie between $10,000-$30,000. It may vary with your project complexity and other factors. Below is the table showcasing the cost of custom software development for healthcare:             


Software Complexity  Cost Estimation 
Simple Commercial Software  $10,000-$14,000
Medium Commercial Software  $15,000-$23,000
Complex Commercial Software  $30,000


These are just the rough estimates, to know the exact cost to build commercial service software for healthcare, it is vital to consult with a software product development company. They would provide you an accurate cost breakdown on the basis of your budget. 



Now that you are well-versed with the healthcare commercial services software development process. It is the right time to invest in the best healthcare commercial software development.    

However, you need to hire reliable professionals who are experienced in crafting robust software with cutting-edge technology. That’s where Dev Technosys comes in! We are a reputed software development company that are proficient in software development. 

Being working for various clients all across the world, we can be the best partner who can turn your software idea into reality. So, what are you up to? Share your project requirements and take your healthier business to new heights with robust software.       




Q1. How Long Will It Take To Build Commercial Service Software for Healthcare? 

The time to build commercial service software for healthcare varies greatly. It ranges from 2-7 months for complex systems. It depends on features and complexity of your healthcare project requirements.    


Q2. How Much Does It Cost To Build Commercial Service Software for Healthcare? 

The healthcare commercial service software development cost can vary greatly depending on several factors. It can be between $10,000-$30,000 or more. To get an accurate estimate, it’s best to consult with a custom software development company specializing in healthcare software. 


Q3. What Are the Benefits Of Healthcare Commercial Software Development? 

When you develop commercial service software for healthcare, you may get many benefits. 

For example, healthcare software boosts efficiency and cuts costs. It improves patient care and satisfaction or easier appointment scheduling. When you develop commercial healthcare software, the tech is a win-win for providers and patients.