One of the quickest backend programming languages is Java, followed by Golang. Is Java quicker than Golang? Is Golang harder to learn than Java? Will Java someday be replaced by Golang? This blog will go over the many Golang topics so you may choose which is best. 

Java is a powerful tool for software development. Golang is relatively new. Golang and Java are used by developers around the world. Both languages are directly competing for the control of server-side applications.

They also compete on other fronts, including learning time, performance, developer pay, and web development. This article highlights the similarities and differences of each language, as well as business applications.

Let’s get started.


What is Golang?

Golang is a new, open-source procedural and compiled programming language. It was created by Google computer scientists Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer, and Ken Thompson in 2009 and released. Golang is an easy-to-learn, understand and use language.

Its static typing feature allows developers to quickly create lightweight, maintainable, and testable code. Golang’s simplicity and scalability are why it is so popular. Golang is a popular programming language among software developers because of its excellent features, such as concurrency and garbage collection. It also has native binaries and a fast compilation time.

You can easily review and debug your Go code with the built-in benchmarking and testing facilities. Golang simplifies the deployment process by combining all dependencies into a single binary. Golang allows you to build large applications without any problems.

When choosing a Golang development company, it is important to consider the company’s experience, expertise, and portfolio. It is also important to make sure that the company can meet your specific needs and requirements.


Advantages of Golang


  • Golang Is Fast

Golang can compile directly into machine code, without the need for an interpreter. Development is therefore accelerated, as no intermediate steps are needed. Golang always has a faster execution time than Java. Golang programs are lightning-fast, and the compilation process is faster. Golang is preferred by developers to meet the need for faster back-end development.


  • Golang Is Easy To Learn

Golang’s ease of use is another reason for using it. Software developers will find Go easy to use, especially if they have an understanding of C or Java. The syntax and keywords may differ, but the procedure is the same. Developers will quickly get used to it.


  • Golang Is Well-Scaled

Golang’s ability to support concurrent programming is a major reason you should use it. Goroutines are functions that can be run independently and simultaneously.

Goroutines are only 2 KB in size, so they can be used for multiple concurrent processes. Goroutines do not block by nature like Java threads. The Goroutines combine the async JavaScript method with the multi-threading Java threads.


  • Comprehensive Programming Tools

Newer programming languages often lack development tools. Golang is an exception. Go does not have the same breadth of tools as Java. But Go has a comprehensive set of tools that makes coding easy for developers. Go includes IDEs such as Visual Studio Code, and other popular IDEs for programming.

Download a wide range of editors, IDEs, and plug-ins from the GitHub repository. You can also download a few cloud-based IDEs that support Go.


  • Growing Pool Of Talent

According to HiredGo, Golang is the most popular programming language in the world. Developers are brushing up their Golang skills as companies become aware of the benefits Golang can bring to their businesses.

By incorporating Golang into your software plan, you gain access to a talent pool that will only grow with time. You’re more likely to select a Go developer.


Disadvantages of Golang


  • Time Consuming

Golang does not have the same descriptive power as Python, or other compiled languages. In Python, the same function could be called with just a few lines. However, in Go it may take dozens of lines. For teams scrambling to reach a deadline, this additional code might be an issue.


  • Relatively young language

Golang, despite its 10th anniversary, is a relatively new programming language. This means that there are fewer libraries available, particularly when interacting with other platforms. The team will need to write extra code to connect different pieces of software if there is no software development kit. Although Golang is a simple language to learn, the lack of a GUI library may make it difficult for developers to interact with other platforms.


  • Lack of Support for Generic Functions 

Generic Functions are a group of functions that take an input, process it and return an output. The lack of generic functions in Golang means that developers must create multiple blocks of code to use the same function with different types of inputs and parameters. This can have a severe impact on code reuse and reduce efficiency during development.


  • Comparatively Smaller Language Community

The community for this language is not as large as other languages, so there may be less development, and fewer projects, for this particular language.


  • Fewer Tutorials Than Other Languages   

There are also fewer tutorials, and less documentation, than for other programming languages, due to the smaller community.


What is Java?

James Gosling, a Sun Microsystems employee, developed Java in 1995. It is a statically typed, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. Java has a virtual machine that interprets code.

The Java Virtual Machine converts the code to bytecode and compiles this quickly at runtime. Java was once a popular server-side language, but it now competes with other languages of the new generation in this area. Java’s use cases are diverse, ranging from desktop applications to web applications, mobile phones, the Internet, data sciences, and machine-learning applications.


Advantages of Java


  • Java is Simple

A language is considered simple if it’s easy to understand and learn. The Java syntax is simple, easy to learn, understand and maintain.

Java is also less complex than languages such as C++ and C, since many complex features are removed, including the explicit pointers concept and storage classes.


  • Java is an object-oriented programming language

Java is an object-oriented language that helps to improve the flexibility and reuse of code. We can reuse objects in other programs using the OOPs concept.

This also increases security, as the data and functions are bound into one unit. The outside world cannot access it. It is also helpful to break down the larger modules into smaller units to make them easier to understand. 


  • Java is a safe language

Java reduces security risks and threats by avoiding explicit pointers. A pointer is a value that keeps track of another value’s memory address. This can provide unauthorized access to the memory. 

The problem is solved by eliminating the concept of pointers. There is also a Java Security Manager for each application which allows us to define access rules for classes.


  • Java is inexpensive and easy to maintain

Java programs require little maintenance and are easy to maintain, as they are not dependent on specific hardware to function. They can be easily executed on any machine, which reduces maintenance costs.


  • Java is platform independent

The platform independence of Java is very advantageous to its users. Java may be executed on any computer, independent of the operating system, thanks to its compiled code (byte code). Any machine that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), as demonstrated below, is capable of running this code. 


Golang vs. Java


Disadvantages of Java


  • Java is slow with poor performance

Java consumes a large amount of memory and executes programs far more slowly than other programming languages, such as C or C++. Because all code must be converted to machine code, Java is slower than other languages like C++ and C. 

The JVM adds an extra layer of abstraction and compilation to Java, which is why it performs slower. The garbage collector can also be a factor in poor Java performance, as it uses more CPU time.


  • Java GUI is not very attractive

Although there are several GUI builders for Java, they are not suitable to create complex UI. They are inconsistent.

Many popular frameworks are available for GUI creation, such as Swing SWT JavaFX JSF. They are not mature enough for a complex user interface. Before you can select one that is appropriate for your needs, you might need to conduct further research. 


  • Java provides no backup facility

Java is primarily focused on data storage and does not focus on backup. This is the main drawback that makes users lose interest in it.


  • Java consumes a lot of memory

Java uses a large amount of memory compared to languages such as C++ and C. The memory efficiency and performance of the system can be negatively affected during garbage collection.


  • Codes that are complex and verbose

Java code is verbose. This indicates that it has a lot of words and lengthy, complicated phrases that are challenging to read and understand. The code can become less readable. Java strives to be more manageable, but it must compromise this with its overly complex code and long explanations of each thing.


Golang vs. Java-Key Difference

Aspect Go (Golang). Java
Syntax Focus on readability and simplicity of syntax The syntax is more verbose, especially when it comes to object-oriented features
Concurrency Support for Goroutines, Channels, and other goroutines Concurrency using threads and Java. util.concurrent
The Performance of a The code is generally faster because it has been compiled efficiently JVM overhead and translation cause a slight slowdown.
Memory Memory-efficient and low memory footprint Memory requirements are higher due to JVM
Error Handling Multiple return values are handled with explicit error handling Use exceptions to handle errors
Tooling Lightweight with fewer tools and libraries JVM ecosystem offers extensive tooling and libraries
Community A growing community with rapid growth in popularity Mature and established community
Deployment Easy deployment and distribution for compiled binaries Java Virtual Machine is required to run
Web Development Support for APIs and Microservices Libraries and Ecosystems for web development
Mobile Development Limited native support for mobile app development Support for Android SDK and other frameworks is extensive
Learning Curve It is easier to get started and learn with Learning curves are steeper for complex concepts, in particular.



Golang vs. Java-Detailed Comparison


1. Golang vs Java: Popularity

Go was created as an alternative to Java but has a much lower adoption rate. New exciting technology is emerging that is mainly focused on Go. The new technology called hands-on coding is designed to be used with Go server-side.

Java has seen strong growth because of this trend. This community encourages feedback and active participation on the actions of both competitors. Golang is still alive! You can find some examples and libraries that are open-source. You’ll need to interact with the community and be receptive to recommendations.


2. Golang vs Java: Features

Golang is an efficient resource-saving programming language. It is a multi-platform and cross-compilable open-source programming language. Go was created to overcome the performance limitations of other programming languages.

Java has been around for more than 27 years. It is an object-oriented, general-purpose computer language. Java’s popularity has grown exponentially in the last few years, mainly because it is a widely-used programming language across many platforms. It also offers developers great freedom when creating code for Android devices and web applications.


3. Golang vs Java: Performance

Golang is a free and open-source language that runs Google’s Go Platform. Golang’s performance is better than Java due to its lightweight nature, which uses fewer resources and memory.

One of the most used programming languages is Java. It has continuously been listed by Stack Overflow as one of the top three languages. It is employed throughout a wide range of sectors, including the automotive, aerospace, technological, and financial ones. 

Golang can be a good option for certain projects, as it allows faster development with less code. It also offers easier deployment, and better visibility compared to other languages like Java, C++ or. NET.

It is better to compare the two languages based on their performance in a particular setup rather than the capabilities of each language.


4. Golang vs Java: Community

Golang has a larger community with more developers and a stronger presence on forums and social media. Java is a much more traditional community. Both Golang and Java are growing rapidly despite their differences.

Google developed the open-source programming language known as Golang. It was initially made available in 2009 to replace C++. Although Go is becoming more popular among developers, it still has many limitations in terms of performance and capabilities because its start point was so young. Go is easier to understand and read than Java, as well as having no GC pauses. It’s perfect for startups, who need to get things done quickly.


5. Golang vs Java: Usage

Golang is gaining in popularity as it allows for easy scaling of large projects with its use of goroutines. It supports advanced data structures like slices, which make it easier to reuse code.Java’s extensive library of functions allows developers to build more features with less code than Go.


6. Golang vs Java: Application

Although both Java and Golang are server-side languages, they have diverse uses. JVM is a user-friendly Java programming language that can be utilized to create cross-platform applications. 

Golang is a powerful programming language, but it lags in platform-to-platform translations. It would be a waste of time and energy to have Golang binaries for each OS. Instead, it is better to use a platform that can handle cross-OS conversions easily.

Binary files are required to compile code on different platforms. Compiling all of them together takes a long time and consumes a lot of resources.

Golang isn’t a very popular choice for mobile app developers. It does not place a high priority on machine learning either, making it a poor choice for your backend. Golang, however, is an excellent backend language for machine learning.


7. Golang vs Java: Cross-Platform Development

Both Golang and Java have their strengths and weaknesses. Data scientists are divided over which language is best for a project. It depends largely on the requirements of the project.

Golang can’t always take the place of Java. It might be challenging to switch between languages. It can be wise to pick up Golang quickly if you’re just getting started before moving on to Java. 


8. Golang vs Java – Ease in Coding

Golang is a popular programming language because it’s easy to learn. The language is not only used in web development but also for mobile apps and other platforms.

Golang provides libraries and tooling that are more efficient and powerful than Java, and they compile faster. It’s also much easier to test, maintain and debug.

The technology evolves, and so do the requirements of developers. What was important a few short years ago might be outdated today.



Golang, in short, is the newest procedural language that uses statically-typed code. Java, on the other hand, is the original, OOPS-based, imperative language. The question is, which one is better? Answer: It’s simple. Each language has its own unique features that make it superior to others.

Choosing the right language is based on developer requirements. Java is a good choice if you plan to create a mobile app or a complex application. Golang is a good choice if you want to create a faster, simpler, and data-processing application. It would be great!