The current health crisis has clearly turned the world upside down. The technological industry has become more unstable than it was before the pandemic.
With innovation becoming the enterprise itself, software companies are having a tough time keeping up with the software development trends. It will not be wrong to say that changes in the tech industry are as unpredictable as the stock market.
Even with the stock market, one can analyze through numbers but with technology all come at different paces and different times. All the latest innovation stories are one step ahead of each other and the competition is cutthroat for all the development enterprises.
To meet the general consumer demand with an extraordinary invention is the goal of each company and to do it in the most cost-effective manner is how each one is fighting the competitive market.
This unique race to prove one’s mettle in the field of information technology will move to the next level for any software development company when these 10 new development trends start catching up in the marketplace. Companies will now need to work in the direction of these trends if they wish to stay relevant in the eyes of technology enthusiasts.
A Glance At Outsystems
OutSystems are a low code platform that provides services for developing, managing, and maintaining applications for companies. OutSystems was founded in 2001 in Portugal and the concept of outsourcing services to other companies took up speed since the last decade.
Now that there are rapid technological advancement and competition going global with liberalization and globalization, companies are having a tough time running current operations along with developing new apps.
Read More:-Is Low-Code No-Code The Future Of Application Development?
Therefore with the introduction of OutSystems, things are now changing since more companies are opting to outsource their services to the OutSystems platform and working to build a position in the tech industry.
Outsystems are clearly the future for outsourcing services or odd jobs since innovation and developing AI-enabled applications will take all the time. Therefore, let us look at the top 10 software development trends in 2020 and the role of OutSystems.
Top 10 Software Development Trends
Here is a list of the top 10 software development trends that will make themselves felt in the technological corridors in the years to come.
1. AI-Assisted Development
Developers create new apps with over fifteen million anonymized patterns and designs. AI automated apps help developers save time and provide developers an opportunity to create apps with more advanced expertise.
It also guides AI developers to check codes and detect all kinds of bugs and errors. This creates no interruption in the process. AIFusion ensures that artificial intelligence serves as a mentor to amateur developers and helps them in becoming more proficient.
2. AI For Applications
Artificial intelligence is the defining competitive point today. When it comes to making apps, tech giants like Microsoft are proving to be patrons of software development trends through their startups, such as narrative science.
Artificial intelligence enables more informed decision-making, enhances customer relations, and also makes the process of application development easier and faster.
AI developers can add cutting-edge and futuristic features to applications that result in a strong grip over the competitive market and also increase the business value of their operations.
3. Robotic Process Automation
RPA enables software development services to achieve higher levels of efficiency. Robotic process automation is generally used to complete boring and repetitive tasks.
RPA is used because a machine will provide uniformity and greater efficiency when it comes to mundane tasks because humans get distracted and lose focus but a machine will not.
With RPA companies can now also get a greater volume of work done without any additional costs. At the same time, developers can focus on innovation and plan strategic marketing ideas.
4. Progressive Web Apps
Web apps are the focus of the tech industry. These apps are basically native apps but run on the internet. So, a user gets all the benefits and functions of a native app but does need not to install anything from the app stores.
These apps can also access device hardware, such as cameras or GPS, and work offline. People are choosing this PWA development over native apps because they are developed faster, there is no need to install or update, and they are also less space occupying. Most of these apps are often under 1MB.
5. Continuous Integration And Delivery
IT teams can automate the process of integration and testing alongside the development process. The CI and CD help in speeding up software development process and also helps in making faster changes based on the production environments and user feedback. This enables quick modifications, and the problems are solved faster.
Now that virtual reality is more popular and frequently visited, continuous integration and delivery will impact a software development company in a positive manner. They can deliver apps faster and also work on development changes better.
6. Rapid Prototyping And Innovation
Innovation can come from anywhere, therefore each employee should be encouraged and rewarded for new software development ideas. More and more companies are now following the path of disrupters who believe that limiting innovation to a single department will only diminish their place in the competitive market.
Companies should adopt low-code platforms and prototyping tools to increase the chances of minimum viable products and even entire applications.
7. Digital Transformation Enablers
If all the day-to-day tasks can be performed with the help of digital assistance, then why not convert the process of development into its digital equivalent? With digital transformation, all the human-centric such as debugging can be done digitally.
New and more attractive ideas can be brought to light. The speed of this implementation is critical because digital transformation is a multi-year process and needs to be developed for a specific task.
But since the rules of the innovation games are changing constantly, companies will need to invest and hire dedicated developers to facilitate faster innovation cycles and expand organizational agility.
8. Low Code Development
Traditional developers and the new age developers are constantly in a rift because of low code platforms. While traditional developers want to focus on the technicality of their craft, new age developers are looking for faster and smoother low-code development app solutions.
To build a great application, a lot of human knowledge and skill are required, which makes low-code development apps a little skeptical to use.
However, there are many great benefits to a low-code application because they are not only faster but also more suitable for progressive web apps. The reason why the whole IT sector is promoting low code development is because of the rising competition in innovation.
9. Future Proof Applications
Companies are now so occupied with innovation and its promotion that no company is focusing on hiring developers every time they have to develop an application.
Since new coding languages and frameworks are emerging rapidly, a company cannot afford to lag behind competitors technology-wise. Therefore, companies should look to invest as well as develop platforms and tools that can enable them to create sustainable software applications. For example, OutSystems developers are looking forward to developing technology that can sustain for at least a period of 20 years.
10. New Dual Speed Development
Dual-speed development is about making sure a company lags in no way. Basically in one organization, one software development team focuses on accelerating application delivery by using different tools, and the other team works for the traditional development process like always.
For this dual-speed development, many are looking at low code development approaches to increase speed, use freelancers for design, and provide more funding to the development teams.
With this, we have looked at the software development trends that are the talk of the town, and there are many more to come. While some of these may stay longer in practice, some will prove to be only short-term beneficiaries.
But these trends will need to be aided by a trend that is more likely to make its own place in the innovation sector. The trend we are talking about here is none other than OutSystems.
Role Of OutSystems
1. Facilitates advanced development capabilities
Outsystems will help in integrating the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide for cutting-edge development capabilities. This will help boost efficiencies and functionality, improve communication, better customer relations, and enhance user feedback.
2. Enhances the curve toward digital transformation
We learned how low code development is a debatable trend in the current scenario. With OutSystems being a low-code development software itself, companies can make good use of this kind of outsourcing and make the transition to the digital evolution curve smoother for themselves.
Low code development, aided by OutSystems, is expected to see a compound annual growth rate of 40% reaching 21.2 billion dollars by 2022.
3. Smooth sustainable app development
OutSystems will also help in the future-proof application development because software development services will be able to use the agile and futuristic approach of Outsystems.
They will also compel organizations to rethink their patron application and bring in suitable changes. OutSystems also allow businesses to integrate their software with AI, machine learning capabilities, and also low code automation development.
4. Transition to PWAs is Easier
There is a prediction that progressive web applications will replace almost 50% of consumer-facing applications within one year. With a change as evident as this one, OutSystems can benefit PWAs in two forms.
Firstly, by executing a single code base to run any mobile app that was developed through OutSystems without any extra development that will minimize cost, and secondly, by providing the first-mover advantage in the market.
5. Enhance the Virtual experience
OutSystems was credited as the leader in multi-experience development platforms. With a title as heavy as this one, there is no doubt that Outsystems facilitate a stronger platform for development and services in the technological industry.
Our systems enable the developers to create specially customized applications and also add on software. Besides, they help in creating and delivering their software faster and producing a consistent performance for user experiences.
With this, we have looked at the 10 software trends that will help companies and technological centers to create a better platform for innovation and customize their user experience and also increase customer engagement.
With artificial intelligence and robotic automation, many tasks that need undivided attention which is difficult for a dynamic human workforce, machines will give efficient and faster results.
Not only this, but since we always spend most of our time on the internet, PWAs and low code development will give us a chance to create a solid backdrop for faster and more functional development.
Software development trends have a scope that exists for all industries and sectors. Therefore, the entire professional and corporate sectors are going to benefit from the implementation of these software development trends.
OutSystems will act as a strong foundation for the software development trends and will provide increased productivity, greater agility, consistent user experience, a broad user base, and a faster ROI.
All these will help in gaining an advantageous position in the competitive market. Tech giants such as Microsoft and Apple can be the front runners for innovation in the IT field.
With all being done and said, we can only anticipate but never bet on what new innovation will take the world by storm in the next few years or maybe even minutes.
OutSystems developers will have an increased demand for them as they come up with new and more advanced ways to bring in technological capabilities.
All these trends and the rise of OutSystems could not have come at a better time since life during and after the pandemic requires a strong backup in case humans cannot function in close proximity with each other.
Many organizations, who first feared their businesses to shut down due to lack of movement, are now incurring steady profits with the use of such advanced technology and the benefit of OutSystems services.