Do you know everything about React Native? Use The React Native Technology To Avail Fantastic Benefits. Before going into its React Native deeply let us understand what React Native is. It is a framework that has been developed by Facebook for writing mobile applications for iOS and Android. Read this blog to know more about advantages of react native app development.
It enables you to make a mobile app with exclusive UI/UX on React which is a JavaScript open-source library. Working with React Native makes the app compatible with both iOS and Android platforms.
With React Native you can use the same code for both iOS and Android apps and only JavaScript, and the mark-up language JSX is used. Your app will use a real mobile UI component and can access your phone features like camera and location.
It is the most common mobile framework used by mobile app development companies to develop a cross-platform application. With React Native, developers do not have to choose between native or hybrid systems because it has the features of both.
How Does React Native Work?
React Native is in JavaScript and uses a special markup code called JXL. A simple explanation of the work is that the app is made up of two sides.
The native side is either in objective C for iOS or Java for Android. A bridge-like feature of React Native allows the native code and the JavaScript code to communicate in both directions.
Both the JavaScript and the existing native thread are coded in totally different languages but this bridge mechanism allows you to use the native components or convert it to totally React Native development.
Basically, React Native creates a bridge system connecting the original JavaScript of the app with the existing native code running on the target platform.
This system works as a single tread structure that is all elements of JS code bridge native models are connected over a linear network. This allows apps to run universally with React Native in a similar manner as they run with JS.
Features of React Native App Development
1. Write Once Read Anywhere (WORA)
The code that is written in React Native easily runs on most platforms including Android, Windows, iOS, etc. Thus, any code needs to be written once and can run on any platform without requiring any changes.
2. Exceptional UI
It focuses on UI design, making it faster and highly responsive.
3. Language
It uses Java language which is very popular and widely used and is one of the core technologies of the World Wide Web. It is also an easy-to-learn programming language.
Apps That Are Developed Using React Native
React Native has now been accepted by mobile app development companies as the preferred choice for mobile application development. Here we have listed some of the most popular apps that are built using this technology:
1. Facebook Ad Manager
It is the first React Native app developed by Facebook. Facebook Ad Manager has an amazing user experience because of Its easy navigation, simple interface, and amazingly smooth animations.
It shares nearly 87% of the code with the iOS version. The app was able to handle the difference in date formats, time zones, and currencies very easily.
2. Walmart
It is the world’s largest online market and always opts for new technology to improve customer satisfaction. They hire React Native app developers to convert their existing apps completely to React Native.
As a result, Walmart app performance improved both iOS and Android platforms in less time and by utilizing fewer resources.
Since the codebase was shared between the two platforms, the skill of the developers was distributed across the whole organization and hired React Native app development team to manage both the apps. It boosted the app’s performance and allowed extremely smooth animations.
3. Airbnb
By integrating React Native into Airbnb mobile app they found that the start was easy and smooth but some issues cropped up during running and were mostly due to human errors in grasping the concept. To Use the React Native Technology you can get the best benefits from it.
The code was reusable and this allowed repeated iterations. The initial cost of integration was high but it was profitable in the long run.
4. UberEats
They consult with food delivery app development company to develop their food delivery app based on technology. Their app caters to three parties and each needs a separate dashboard.
Their original app had limited access to the device functioning so they redeveloped the dashboard with React Native. This has helped them to meet the growing market demand and their remodeled restaurant dashboard has become a standard tool.
5. Instagram
The push notification app had originally existed as a Web View but was now integrated to React Native. They did not have to rebuild the UI. This conversion helped them to develop to market time considerably by 95%.
6. SoundCloud Pulse
It is an app for music creation. They initially tried to develop two native apps but synchronization of the two world’s very difficult. They decided to hire dedicated developers who applied the technology to create a prototype and complete coding was done exceptionally fast. They got an amazing response from the market. They were also able to save cost and had an incredibly small development to market time.
7. Salesforce
It is a customer relationship management app for mainly sales marketing and e-commerce. They use the framework to build an artificial intelligence integrated customer service platform. They had a very short development to market time, smooth user experience and it was very easy to accommodate other teams as well.
Advantages of React Native App Development
At present 25,000 apps are working on React Native. Its popularity among mobile app development company is due to the numerous benefits that it offers.
Let us discuss the advantages of the technology:
1. Reusable Code
This helps the apps to run on multiple platforms. Even web application codes can be used for mobile app development if both are based on React Native. Development time is drastically reduced as it uses existing components from open-source libraries.
2. Cost Efficiency
Since most code has multi-platform usability, developers can create two apps by writing only one code. This saves time and a lot of money that would otherwise be needed to find resources and develop two individual apps. Businesses can simultaneously have two apps at the cost of one. Moreover, maintenance and up-gradation are done on both apps simultaneously enabling savings on maintenance costs also.
3. Flexibility
It allows team flexibility, which means that if one developer leaves, a new one can immediately start and easily pick up from where it had ended, maintaining continuity in the development process. This allows for easy updating and upgrading of the app. Even testing the app becomes hassle-free. All this leads to time and money being saved.
4. Performance
This app’s performance is exactly like that of native apps developed for specific platforms. They use both the CPU and Graphics Processing Units which makes them much faster than hybrid systems. You can hire react native app developers to enhance the app performance.
5. View Change Windows
They have a special live reloading capacity where a developer can immediately see the changes that they made in the already existing coding. There is a preview window as well that gives them immediate feedback.
6. Quick Updating
Earlier updates meant rebuilding both the individual apps separately. With React Native, both apps can be updated simultaneously and at a much faster rate. It allows the implementation of the updated version even when the app itself is being used. Manual updating through the app store is no longer needed. This streamlines the process and makes it run much faster.
7. Augmentation
By integrating React Native UI to the existing app you can augment it. There is no need to rewrite it again and again. Hence, augmentation is cheaper and much faster as well.
8. Large Developing Community
It allows developers to contribute to the development of the framework. If anyone faces a problem, they can seek help from the community of active contributors. This interaction and constant feedback improve the coding skills of the developers themselves.
9. Easy UI
It helps to make the app interface much more quicker and responsive, which gives a better user experience. Even the loading time is considerably reduced. Even apps with complex designs can be developed much faster. Earlier in native development, a sequence of actions was followed but with React Native, no such order of implementation is needed. As a result bug fixing becomes easier.
10. Fresh Refresh
This function allows developers to inject code or make changes in it during the running of the app. You do not have to restart the whole app and the changes are automatically uploaded even when the app is running. The earlier “hot-reload” feature was removed as developers thought that it was unreliable.
11. Easy Visibility
Apps developed on React Native are easily listed in the app store and play store, unlike PWA.
12. Movability
If in the future it becomes necessary to shift to another framework then it can be done so by exporting the app first into X code and then continuing the process. This makes the app highly flexible and even takes care of futuristic issues. With React Native, you can easily migrate the native app to other platforms.
Few Limitations of React Native To Consider
A custom module may be missing and so you will have to develop three codes again for React Native, whereas Android and iOS need only one. Usually, the custom module is available and working properly but if you are trying to develop the app from scratch or you are trying to hack an old one you might find some of the modules to be missing.
Each of those codes may show different behavior and function. Problems may arise if you are trying to make shadows work in the application because the custom library is only available in the beta version.
In React Native, JavaScript, which acts as a bridge between the two sides runs on a single thread and this can cause trouble. React Native is still in the beta phase so you might come across issues with package compatibility.
Sometimes there are debugging issues also which might cause a problem and slow down your development. If the developers are not skilled enough your project is delayed because troubleshooting takes a lot of time. It still needs a native developer’s skill to enable the incorporation of native codes to the React Native code.
This lack of external support and expertise slows down the development process. Although open-source libraries enable easy access to native features, some advanced features need iOS and android developers for their implementation.
It is a complex process, and if the developers lack native experience then it can become a big problem. Any mobile app development company takes proper measures to hire expert developers.
Even though React Native will work well when your app becomes more complex in nature there still exist scalability issues, which have caused some major players to work out of React Native.
React Native is still in the developing phase so integration with added features is quite difficult because the available documentation is poor and inefficient.
It does not offer a wide range of features that the other developer may want to have in their app. The number of third-party features is also very limited. It also does not support complex designs and advanced features.
The future of React Native as a framework for development is still growing. React Native has introduced a wide range of possibilities so its popularity is increasing daily.
It allows quicker mobile development processes, sharing of code across iOS and Android, and an excellent user interface. React Native is still very new and small glitches may arise during the process of application development.
In most cases, these glitches are due to human failure in grasping the concept of new technology. Facebook is regularly taking care of these issues.
With every new version, they are trying to solve the problem and stabilize the API. If your project does not need a complex user experience or any native function, React Native is the best option.
Even when the budget is constrained React Native is quite helpful. For complex development, you can consider hiring a react native app development company. In a nutshell, React Native has more benefits than demerits, and it will gain popularity and usage.