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Entrepreneurs are rushing to develop a plumbing service app due to the dramatic rise of on-demand platforms. The online market for plumbing fixtures will continue to grow at a rate of 7.9% per year, reaching $132.97 billion by 2027.

Last few years, on-demand apps have dominated the market by providing an extensive lineup of services. Plumbing services are no longer exempt!!

This really did happen!! 

 “We repair what your husband fixed” – Harlan Ellison 

The demand for a reliable plumber can continue indefinitely. In their homes, customers will have to deal with problems like clogged drains or wobbly screws.

One thing you can do to expand your plumbing business is develop an app that connects customers with on-demand plumbers. To that end, this blog will cover similar ground to assist you to create a plumbing service app.    

So, let’s begin!  

Quick Summary: As a whole, the plumbing service market is changing. If you want to develop an on-demand plumbing service app, what worked for Taskrabbit in the past might not work for you. The only way to be successful is to be ready and know what to expect. Before you join the crowd, this blog gives you all the answers you might need.


Table of Contents

What Is a Plumbing Service App?

Plumber apps are mobile apps that help users find plumbing services. The app to book a plumber are usually places where people can ask for plumbing help or look for a professional plumber in their area. 

People can use their mobile devices to ask for plumbing help, make meetings, and talk to plumbers. So, if you have a similar idea to develop a plumbing service app, then it is time to get in touch with a mobile application development company.     


Develop a Plumbing Service App


On Demand Plumbing Service Apps – Why Are They So Popular?

  • The market for plumbing accessories grew at a rate of 7.1% per year, going from $91.68 billion in 2022 to $98.16 billion in 2023.
  • The market for plumbing fixtures is expected to grow at a rate of 7.9% per year, reaching $132.97 billion by 2027.
  • The plumbing business in the US is worth $124.2 billion.
  • In the United States in 2021, the average plumber made $59,880 a year.
  • Putting in toilets that use less water has saved 757 billion gallons of water in the US.


Develop a Plumbing Service App


  • 47.9% of all smart bathroom sales happen in North America.
  • In the US, 64% more searches are done on phones than on computers.
  • Usually, about 35% of a plumbing company’s sales go to its profit.   

These high volume numbers may be pushing many of the top businesses in the on-demand plumbing service industry to expand their businesses around the world. If you also want to develop a plumbing service app like TaskRabbit or any other for your business, now is the best time to put money into it.   


How Does Plumbing Service App Work?

I bet you’re asking how exactly this plumber booking app works. Don’t worry. Below are the working mechanisms explained by an Android app development services provider. 



Develop a Plumbing Service App


1. Download and Sign Up

The first step is for users to go to the app store, download the app, and then create an account. Usually, this means entering the place and basic information. 


2. Describe Your Plumbing Issue

Once they are logged in, they can talk about the plumbing issue they are having. They can also add videos or pictures to help show the problem better.    


3. Find Available Plumbers

Based on where they are, the commercial service app for plumbing will look for qualified plumbers who are ready to do work for them. 


4. Choose a Plumber

Users will often get quotes from plumbers in their area that include an estimate of how much the work will cost. For help making a choice, they can look at plumber biographies, licenses, and customer reviews.    


5. Schedule an Appointment

After picking a plumber, they can use the app to make an appointment right away. The app will usually give you a choice of times based on when the plumber is free. 


6. Service Completion and Payment 

Before the user’s meeting, the plumber will show up to figure out what’s wrong and fix it. The users can use the app to safely pay for the service once it’s done.   


Types of Plumbing Service Apps

The best home service apps can be used in a number of different situations. Here are some of the major types of home service apps you can take as an example when you develop a plumbing service app.      


1. Home Plumbing Services 

Plumbing apps mostly link people in need of plumbing services, like homeowners or renters, with licensed plumbers. It’s easy for app users to ask for services like fixing leaks, cleaning drains, installing pipes, replacing faucets, and more.    


2. Emergency Plumbing Services

If you need help with your pipes right away, an app can be very helpful. The app makes it easy for users to quickly get emergency plumbing services, so they can fix problems like burst pipes, water leaks, or sewer backups right away.   


3. Commercial Plumbing Services

Some businesses that can use plumbing on demand app development solutions are offices, restaurants, hotels, and retail shops. Users can ask for help with installing plumbing, fixing plumbing problems, and keeping their business properties in good shape.   


Develop a Plumbing Service App


4. Property Management

Business places like offices, restaurants, hotels, and shops can use plumbing apps to meet their needs. Users can ask for help with installing plumbing, fixing plumbing problems, and keeping their business properties in good shape. 

Mohit Nag (Project Manager) — “I’ve worked as a project manager and had to make sure that the plumbing service apps I made really met the needs of individuals. It wasn’t a simple thing. Before we found a design that worked for our target group, my team and I made a lot of prototypes and tried different things with them. From these experiences, I’d like to share some useful information with you about how to make plumbing service apps that people love.”


7 Steps To Develop A Plumbing Service App

So, if you are planning to start an on-demand plumbing service, you need to create an amazing mobile app. To develop a plumbing service app, let’s analyze the steps that make up the plumber booking app development process easier.       


Develop a Plumbing Service App


1. Do Market Research 

All apps are just ways to have a mobile app presence, but you start with a plumber booking mobile app development ideas and get help from household services app development experts. Clean up this idea to make the app’s foundation stronger. Now that you know what your customer is like, try to think about their life cycle before you develop a plumbing service app. 

Once you’ve reached them, they need to be bought, changed, kept, and cared for. Lastly, you should know how the customer uses the digital offering. Starting with this will give you and your investors the trust you need, and being clear will be very important. 


2. Wireframing Of the App  

Next, record and wireframe the app so that you can see what features it will have in the future. Even though you don’t have time, making thorough sketches of the app you want to develop a plumbing service app helps you find problems with how it works. 

Once the design is finished, wireframing helps make ideas clearer and makes sure that all the parts of the design are put together properly. Through this stage of home service solutions like plumbing or pest control app development, you can go over any technological limitations. 

Now, try to get a clear picture of how the features and concepts you offered fit together to make a useful application. You should also make a plan or plan to show how every screen fits into the app’s broad flow.    


3. App Prototyping 

Build a prototype quickly to develop a plumbing service app. One can’t really understand what it’s like to touch something until they actually do it. You should make a prototype of the app idea so that a user can try it out as soon as possible to see how it works in the most usual situation. 

At this point, the Android or iPhone app development company should only use rough wireframes and not complete ones. Thereby, you can tell if you are going in the right way. Include the people who have a stake in the project so that they can touch the prototype, give you feedback, and help you make it work.   


4. Create A UI/UX Design 

Make a working model quickly. One can’t really understand what it’s like to touch something until they actually do it. Set up a prototype as soon as possible so that the idea for the app can be tested by a user in the most usual situation. 

At this point, you should only use rough wireframes and not complete ones. You can use this to check if you are going in the right way. As part of this process, include the people who have a stake in it so that they can touch the prototype, give you feedback, and use it.   


5. Develop Your Plumbing Service App 

It usually starts early in the growth stage. In fact, once an idea has been formed, the working prototype helps to confirm assumptions and features and to figure out how much work needs to be done. 

The next phase to develop a plumbing service app is to include a lot of the features that were suggested in the first stage. You can take an example of an app like Handy. The app should have been lightly tested and any bugs should have been solved, but there may still be some issues. 

At this point, the app can be tested further by a certain group of outside users. After the bugs are fixed in the next step, the app will officially go live in the deployment phase.


6. Test Your App  

Because application tests are long, make sure that your team covers every part of them. When you test your app with real users, you find out if it works for the people you want it to. 

Give your app to a few people and ask them questions that are relevant to your audience to try this. 

When your app passes the user acceptance test, you know that your answer works. You can also make your request for a beta trial public by either letting groups you’ve already chosen sign up or letting anyone apply to be a member.    


7. Final Launch 

You are now ready to send in your application. Choose a day and start things off really well. In different app stores, the rules for starting an app are not the same. Don’t forget that this is not the end. From launch to start, the app is still being worked on. 

As soon as your app is out there for users, they can give you input, which you should use to improve future versions of the app. Every app needs to get updates and new features. As soon as the first version of the app comes out, the development cycle usually starts all over again.   


Must-have Features To Develop A Plumbing Service App

People who need an on-demand plumber service should be able to use the app, along with customers, plumber and admin. Here is a list of important benefits that your plumber mobile app should have when you develop a plumbing service app.  


1. User Panel


Feature Description
Easy Registration & Login Allow users to sign up quickly through social media or email with minimal information.
Location Services Utilize geolocation to automatically identify user location and connect them with nearby plumbers.
Service Selection When you develop an app like Jobber, offer a clear and categorized list of plumbing services with descriptions.
Real-Time Booking Allow users to book appointments instantly for urgent needs or schedule them for a later date based on plumber availability.
Plumber Information Display profiles of available plumbers including ratings, reviews, certifications, and estimated arrival time.
In-App Chat Facilitate communication between users and plumbers through a chat interface for clarification or updates.
Payment Processing When you make a plumbing service app, add payment gateway integration options for users to pay for services directly within the app.    
Service Rating & Review Allow users to rate and review plumbers after each service completion. 
Push Notifications Send users timely updates on appointment confirmations, plumber arrival time, and special offers.


2. Plumber Panel


Feature Description 
Job Details Access detailed information about each service request, including customer details, problem description, location, and any photos attached.
In-App Communication Chat directly with customers to clarify details, confirm appointments, and provide updates.
GPS Navigation Utilize built-in GPS to get directions to customer locations for efficient travel.
Availability Management When you develop an electrician booking app, set availability preferences (days, times) and update them in real-time. 
Job Status Updates Update the status of a job throughout the process (e.g., accepted, on the way, job completed).
In-App Payment Processing Securely accept payments from customers through the app (if integrated with a payment gateway).
Job History Access a record of past jobs, including details, customer reviews, and earnings.


Develop a Plumbing Service App


3. Admin Panel


Feature Description
Dashboard Provides a high-level overview of key metrics like user registrations, service bookings, revenue generated, and plumber activity.
User Management When you create a mobile app, it allows admins to view, edit, and manage user accounts like searching for users. 
Plumber Management Similar to user management, but focused on plumbers registered on the app.  
Booking Management Provides a central location to view, manage, and modify all service bookings. 
Financial Management Enables admins to track all financial transactions within the app like service fees, and payment processing details. 


Best Plumbing Service Apps In the Market


Develop a Plumbing Service App


Top Plumbing Service Apps  Available Platform  Downloads  Ratings    
Taskrabbit  Android | iOS  1M+ 4.2
Jobber  Android | iOS 5M+ 3.4 
Urban Company  Android | iOS 10M+ 4.8
Mr. Right  Android | iOS 100K+ 2.9 
Thumbtack Android | iOS 100K+ 4.3


Benefits Of Plumbing Service App Development

Plumbing app development has a lot of pros. This plumber app development makes me think of a few questions that could be answered. However, there are some good things happening while you develop a plumber service app.             


Develop a Plumbing Service App


1. Significant Convenience

The majority of on-demand handyman app development solutions offer all home-related service options on the same site. In this way, it’s easy to check out different services without having to switch between platforms.  


2. Considerable Flexibility

Customers can use more than one service on the same site, and service providers can set their own hours and terms of work. The best smart plumbing service app development services provider made an on-demand home services platform that makes the market more flexible in this way.  


3. Simplified Appointment Scheduling

On-demand plumbing service apps allow users and service providers to check their calendars and schedule a time that works for both parties, which is another reason why businesses are spending in their on-demand plumber service app development. 

However, developing a laundry service app can ensure that the job is done on the day that works best for them or the day when they are available. So, you can also create a home service app for laundry by hiring a laundry app development company.     


4. Increased Visibility

An on-demand plumber service app can make your business much more visible by letting you reach more people. People who are looking for plumbing services will find and interact with your app quickly, which increases the chances of getting new leads and customers. 


5. Streamlined Booking and Scheduling

With a plumbing service app, users can easily use their phones to make appointments and set up services. This speeds up the planning process, cuts down on mistakes made by hand, and makes customers happier overall. 


What Is the Cost To Build A Plumbing Service App?

There aren’t any hard and fast rules to develop a plumber service app. Therefore, it’s hard to put a cost to develop a plumbing service app through a home service app development company.

To obtain a rough idea, we can still review some figures from completed projects of late. It will cost between $10,000 – $25,000 to develop a plumbing service app. Some ballpark figures to create an app for plumbing services are as follows:      


App Complexity  Cost Estimation 
Simple Plumbing Service App $10000-$15000
Medium Plumbing Service App $15000-$20000
Complex Plumbing Service App  $25000 


Again, these are just rough estimations. The exact cost will rely on the features you want, the team you choose, and any problems that come up beyond your control. 


Develop a Plumbing Service App

Top Monetization Models for Plumbing Service App

Obviously, you want to make a plumbing service app for your phone so that you can earn more money. A few basic ways to make money from your app have been covered in smart plumbing app development.   


Develop a Plumbing Service App


1. Freemium Model

To get a lot of customers, you can start giving away some benefits for free. When they’re used to your app, charge them to get access to extra features like real-time tracking.  


2. Transaction Fee

This is a common type that app owners pick. After this, the makers of the app charge users a fee for every plumbing service reserved through the plumber appointment booking app.  


3. Lead Fees

The utility app development solution can charge a fee for each lead or offer lead packages based on location, job type, and urgency. This lets the plumbers focus on meeting the needs of each customer.


4. Subscription Fees

You can offer users simple plans that let them access leads and make schedules based on those plans with this way of making money. Premium plans also offer more advanced features, such as marketing tools built right into the online plumber service app. 


5. In-App Advertising

You can add targeted advertising to your app so that ads from local hardware or plumbing shops, manufacturers, or other relevant businesses can show up. If someone sees or hits on an ad, the app makes money.  


Tech Stack Used To Create a Plumbing Service App

To develop a plumbing service app, you need to require a set of technology stack. So, below is the table of tech stack that we used for plumbing service mobile app development. 


Component Technologies
Frontend React Native, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin
Backend Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), Java (Spring Boot)
Database SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase
API Integration RESTful APIs, GraphQL, SOAP
Authentication OAuth, JWT
Push Notifications Firebase Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service
Analytics Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics
Version Control  Git, GitHub, Bitbucket
Deployment  Google Play Store, Apple App Store, TestFlight, Firebase App Distribution


Planning To Make A Plumbing Service App For Your Business?

Although it is a novel and in-demand concept, the plumber service app has not yet achieved wide adoption. It means that anyone who starts working on this idea will have a great chance. To make the idea work, though, you’ll need to do a lot of study and development.

Therefore, if you’re looking for a mobile app development services provider that can help you develop a plumbing service app, Dev Technosys because we have a lot of experience making apps with similar ideas. 

So what are you waiting for? Share your project requirements and become the next industry leader like Urban Clap in the plumbing service industry.    




Q1. How Long Will It Take To Develop A Plumbing Service App? 

The time to develop a plumbing service app will be around 2-4 for a simple home service app. However, it can take up to 8 months if you want complex functionalities in it. So, it is best to consult with a plumbing service app development company for the actual time. 


Q2. How Much Will It Cost To Develop A Plumbing Service App?     

The plumbing service app development cost may vary depending on your project requirements. It may generally cost you between $10000$25000 or more. For the actual cost estimation, you must contact experts.   


Q3. How You Can Make Money From Plumbing Service Apps?

To monetize your plumbing service app, you must follow the below methods: 

  • In-app purchase
  • Freemium model
  • Subscription model 
  • In-app advertisement 
  • Affiliate marketing


Q4. What Are the Benefits Of Plumbing Service App Development? 

There are several benefits businesses may get when they develop a plumbing service app. Here are some of them:   

  • Considerable flexibility     
  • Increased visibility 
  • Streamlined booking & schedule 
  • Enhanced customer experience 


Q5. Why Must You Choose Us For Plumbing Service App Development?     

Being the best home service app development company, Dev Technosys offers custom solutions tailored to your needs. Our expert team ensures seamless functionality, top-notch security, and continuous support, helping your business grow and succeed in the digital landscape. Here are the parameters you must check: 

  • Custom solutions   
  • User-friendly design 
  • Ongoing support 
  • 24/7 customer support 
  • Client satisfaction