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“If you search the app stores, you’ll find hundreds of apps for finding jobs, but very few for finding candidates.”

– Chris Russell.


Do you intend to develop a recruitment app for hiring new staff? Well, investing in this industry right now is a great idea. Changes in the recruiting sector have been dramatic in recent years. Thanks to technology, businesses no longer use media and handouts to let people know about job openings. To find the best people, they use recruitment app development solutions like job search mobile apps or web portals.

Online job boards like Monster.com, Naukri.com, etc., were useful in the beginning. But today’s tech-savvy youth are anticipating more dependable and speedy mobile alternatives. Today, 65% of people looking for work use their smartphones 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Due to the huge potential of job boards and recruitment apps, more and more business owners want to develop a recruitment app. Thus, if you want to create your own mobile job search application, read this blog till the end.

So, let’s begin!


Quick Summary: Without a question, recruitment apps like LinkedIn have raised the value of hiring among recruiters. You can also become the next industry leader. So, if you want to stand out, you should develop a recruitment app. This piece will teach you about the steps, features, and cost to make your own amazing job search apps.


What is a Recruitment App?  

The purpose of a recruiting app is to make the hiring process simpler and more efficient. It lets companies post job openings, keep track of applications, and talk to applicants. People looking for work can look for openings, send in applications, and check on the progress of their applications.

These apps also usually have extra features like resume makers, the ability to schedule interviews, and automatic alerts. These apps make the hiring process easier and more centralized, which is good for both companies and job hunters.

That’s why investing in job search application development is the best thing to do if you want to be the next big thing in the recruitment business. Now all you have to do is consult a HR management app development company that may assist you to develop a recruitment app.


Is It Profitable To Invest In Recruitment App Development?


Invest In Recruitment App Development


  • The hiring and employment market was worth US$ 18061.42 million in 2022, and it’s projected to keep growing at a rate of 13.2% per year until 2030.
  • 58% of those who answered thought that professional social networks were a good way to find good employees.
  • Around 230 million people in the United States used LinkedIn as of April 2024.
  • The site made more than eight billion dollars in sales in 2020.
  • 68% of people in the U.S. have a cell phone. At least 41% of these people have used their phones to look for work.
  • Five nineteen percent of job seekers use search apps on their phones every day to look for new jobs in their field.


Job portal app development cta


5 Different Types Of Recruitment Applications

How and where you are asked to submit, fill out, and otherwise handle job applications might differ throughout different firms. So, before you develop a recruitment app, you might want to think about these five types of recruitment apps that people might use:


Types Of Recruitment Applications

1. Job Board Apps  

These are apps like Indeed and Glassdoor that let people looking for work look at a lot of job postings. They’re great for broad searches and appeal to a wide range of people. These apps are mostly about posting jobs and you can develop a recruitment app process easier.

2. Integrated HR Management Apps

The job portal app like Dice is more complete because they combine hiring with other HR tasks. They’re made for companies that want to handle the whole HR process in one place, from hiring to training to managing employees’ performance.

3. Niche-specific Recruitment Apps

Some platforms, like Dice, focus on certain fields, like tech or healthcare. These apps are great for job seekers and marketers in niche areas because they offer more focused job listings.

4. Recruitment CRM Systems

Apps like Bullhorn are made to make the whole hiring process better. This is very beneficial for job companies and search firms. They are in charge of handling connections with both prospects and clients, making the processes of finding candidates, interviewing them, and placing them easier.

5. Applicant Tracking Systems

There are apps like SmartRecruiters in this group. The application and hiring process is automated by these systems. This makes it simpler for managers to keep track of and handle job applications.


Testimonials: Dev Technosys helped our team to develop a recruitment app. Their team was simply outstanding. We were blown away by how well-made and easy to use the app they made, which shows how skilled they are in both employment app development and UX design. Our app is quickly becoming the tool of choice for our community, and people who use it are getting more involved. We are very pleased with Dev Technosys.

— Justin Clark (Canada)


6 Major Steps to Develop a Recruitment Application

So, you’ve made it here. Okay, what’s next? Actually, developing a recruitment app like LinkedIn is pretty hard because you need to know a lot about it. Fear not, my friend! With the assistance of a Job portal app development company, we have made the recruitment app development procedure that will assist you to develop a recruitment app.


Steps to Develop a Recruitment App


1. Validate Your Idea

Before you develop a recruitment app, you must give thought about how it appears and what features it will have. But first you need to validate your idea with progressive web app development services experts.

Okay! Now you should choose on which platform you want to run your job search mobile application. Also, consider the budget and time if you are set to spend on app’s design and development.


2. Find Your Development Team

To develop a hiring app, you will now need a development team. Hire a mobile app development services provider with designers, app developers, and testers. They make the recruitment app development process go well and the result stands out. They need to work together to make a strong app for hiring people.


3. Design the UI/UX

If you want the recruitment app developers to make a good UI/UX design, you should think about what the users want. At this point, the main job is to make the design work well so that the users are happy and can easily use the app.

The development team takes your thoughts and turns them into a picture with a well-thought-out plan. You can get an idea of how your personalized hiring app development solution will look and work. Adding wireframes and models with programming languages can also help with the organization and order of the content.


4. Start Recruitment App Development

Mobile apps are made up of two parts: the frontend and the backend. The frontend is the part of an app that the user sees, like pictures, accounts on social networks, product cards in online stores, and buttons. The backend is the part of the program that runs on the app.

This part of the app works with data stored inside the app, and the frontend shows that data. At this point, app developer recruitment writes code to develop a recruitment app for important functions and work on MVP app development. You can go to the next stage after it’s done.


5. Test Your Recruitment App

There are now testers on the team you hired. They must check the code for mistakes. Now, they can test the interface by going through the steps of a job hunter and a recruiter.

Just assure that all the buttons operate well and that the databases are set up properly. It’s also crucial to ensure that your app works correctly on all devices.


6. Final Launch

The employment app is finally done, and the code has been checked. The app is now ready to be sold. You can put it on the App Store and Google Play. But don’t worry, friend—this is not the end!

Maintaining and updating your app on a regular basis is important if you want to keep users interested and coming back. Because of this, you should update your app every so often to add new features and fix bugs.


Job Portal App CTA


Essential Features of Recruitment App Development

HR experts can do their jobs a lot better with the help of recruitment tools. It’s very important to pick the right features when planning for skilled staffing solutions.

As per study, 63% of people who used robots thought they made the hiring process better. To help recruiters and job hunters meet better, let’s look at what features you should add when you develop a recruitment app.


1. Job Seeker Panel


Features of Recruitment App Development




Registration/Login For an easy onboarding process, it lets users make an account or sign in with their Google or LinkedIn identities.
Profile Management Job hunters may find it ebay to change their profiles, which have details about their history, and skills.
Resume Management It allows you to share resumes in different forms or make and change resumes right in the app.
Advanced Job Search Filter Job hunters can narrow down their search by using terms, location, job title, company, experience level, pay range, and other useful filters.
Job Alerts When you build job portal apps like Indeed, allow users to set up notifications for new job postings.
Saved Jobs Job hunters can save interesting job posts to look at or apply for later.
Application Management When you develop a recruitment app, allow users to check on the progress of apps they sent through the app.
Communication Tools It offers tools like in-app chat or messages to make talking to possible workers easier.
Multiple Payment Option You can integrate payment gateway in a recruitment mobile app. It helps users to purchase a premium version for better features.
Video Resume Job hunters can make and share video resumes that show off their skills and attitude.

2. Recruiter Panel



Recruiter Panel




Registration Recruiters can use this to make an account for the Recruiter Panel.
Job Posting Recruiters can post job openings and include information like the skills, experience, and duties that are needed.
Resume Search & Filtering With CRM development, recruiters can track a collection of resumes and employee information like contact information, performance reviews.
Resume Download Hire dedicated developers to add this feature which allows downloading of resumes of shortlisted people for further study.
Candidate Communication It offers ways to talk to candidates through the app’s texts and alerts. This can include setting up interviews, giving information on applications, and other things.

3. Admin Panel


Admin Panel




Dashboard Shows important information like the amount of users, companies, job postings, applications, and total platform use.
User Management You can add, change, delete, and give tasks and rights to all types of users, including administrators, recruiters, and job candidates.
Company Management You can approve or reject company entries and take care of business profiles and subscriptions.
Job Management With recruitment app development, you manage job categories and filters, and look over and accept job posts sent in by recruiters.
Resume Management You can look through, sort, and download potential applications.
Communication Tools Develop a recruitment app which helps them to send a lot of emails and alerts to people.

Best Recruitment Apps In the Market   

Surely you want to know what special your competitor apps have. So, ditch the stacks of resumes! Look at the below recruitment like LinkedIn alternatives that transform the hiring game – smarter, faster, and more effective.


Top Job Search Apps

Available Platform

Launch Year Downloads Ratings     
Naukri Android | iOS 1997 50M+ 4.6
LinkedIn Android | iOS 2003 1B+ 4.1
Indeed Android | iOS 2004 100M+ 4.4
Glassdoor Android | iOS 2007 10M+ 4.5
ZipRecruiter Android | iOS 2010 100M+ 4.4

What Are The Benefits of Recruitment App Development?   

Recruiting app development leads to faster hires and a bigger talent pool. One great thing about job apps is that they give you access to a huge number of work openings. Before you start making a job app, make sure you know what it will do for you and the people who use it.


Benefits of Recruitment App Development


1. Quick & Cost-effective

People can quickly find the right job openings and apply for them in a matter of seconds. They don’t have to bring a lot of money to make their influence known. Additionally, if you go for web application development, then you will get a huge base both from websites and mobile apps.


2. Job Alerts   

It is important for a good employment app to learn about the candidates’ tastes. It keeps them up to date on relevant job openings so that the candidates never miss a great chance.


3. Easy Job & Candidate Filtering

The candidate can narrow down the job choices based on their skills, experiences, and other interests if you build a recruitment app. In the same way, the person in charge of hiring can narrow down the pool of candidates by looking at their experience, skills, and qualifications.


4. Painless Resume Sorting

With hybrid app development, users have an easy-to-use resume filtering option that lets them find the resume they want. The hiring staff can quickly and easily look through the application lists to find the resumes that meet the company’s ongoing needs by checking the right filters.


5. Promotes Organization as a Brand  

Recruiters may market their business profile with the help of the employment app. Through job search engines like these, they can let people know about the opening and bring highly skilled candidates to their brands.


Develop a Recruitment App


4 Future Trends In Recruitment App Development

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make Me a Job! How recruitment app development is about to make job hunting fun. Well, the answer is simple “AI technology”. So, here are the 5 recruitment app future trends that will actually work in 2024.


Future Trends In Recruitment App Development


● Recruitment Chatbots

AI-powered chatbots, for example, can help job hunters and companies talk to each other right away by answering questions and suggesting open positions. The chatbot app development solution gives people a way to always be reached, which makes them more likely to be engaged and attentive.


● Administrative Task Automation

AI is already being used by recruiters to automate administrative jobs like setting up interviews. Also it keeps candidates up to date on the state of their applications, and even makes the paperwork for new hires easier. This technology frees up recruiters’ time so they can spend it getting to know candidates instead of just meeting.


● Candidate Matching

With AI development solutions, users can also look through a lot of resumes and only show good matches. This helps get rid of bias and creates a broad pool of people who are good fits for different jobs within companies.


● Automate Onboarding

Onboarding is another place where AI makes a difference. HR software development solutions that are driven by AI can send welcome emails, give training and business papers, and assign onboarding tasks all by itself. Making the hiring process more quickly will help employees be ready to go from the first day.


How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Recruitment App?  

There is only one thing that matters: money. It makes sense that you want to develop a recruitment app as cheaply as possible without skimping on quality. So, what’s the recruitment app development cost? Well, it can lie between $10000-$25000 or exceed depending on your project requirements. Let’s look at the below table given by a recruitment job portal app development company.


App Complexity

Cost Estimation

Simple Recruitment App $10000-$15000
Medium Recruitment App $15000-$20000
Complex Recruitment App $25000+


Besides, you can calculate the cost to make a recruitment app with the below formulae:

Total Recruitment Mobile App Development = Developer’s Rate * Development Time  

You can now start to develop a recruitment app since you have the cost to develop a recruitment app. Finally, you should talk to a mobile application development company that can create a recruitment app for you.


How Can You Make Money With a Recruitment App?  

According to the study, 70% of job applications were made on phones. If you develop a recruitment app for hiring people, it is therefore a good idea. How can you turn it into money? Let’s look at some monetization methods given by the top Job portal development companies.


1. Charging Recruiters


  • Resume Access:

With a mobile app, recruiters can look at profiles of prospects and get in touch with more people in less time. There may be an extra charge for sorting resumes based on certain criteria.


  • Job Posting:

If you post a job in an app, more people who might be interested will see it and react to the job offering. You can charge a flat fee for each post or a fee that is charged automatically after a certain number of entries.


  • Featured Listings:

Companies and recruiters can pay to get their job postings seen by more people. This puts their offers ahead of those from other companies. It means that more users seeking a job can see featured ads in apps for recruitment.


2. Charging Job Seeker


  • View Job Details:

People looking for work can read the job listings for free. But you can charge them to see more details about business or job openings. People who are looking for work can also get tips on new jobs and managers’ information through the mobile app.


  • Featured Resumes:

It’s more likely that the right company or interviewer will see your resume if it’s in the first few lines. This means that people who want to show their resumes first in mobile recruiting apps can be charged.


  • Creating Professional Resumes:

The mobile app can have extra features, like the ability to make a resume or look over a current one. Professional resume writers are linked to the cloud computing solutions company that builds an app for hiring people. In this way, the business makes money for every application.


Let’s Connect To Build A Recruitment App For Your Venture!

A proliferation of mobile recruiting applications is a direct result of the increasing need for effective job search platforms. So, the cost of growth could go up by a lot in the near future. To make your recruitment ideas and thoughts come true, you should get in touch with a HR management app development services provider right away.

Additionally, to make your business successful and yielding, you need to include some special features not found in earlier versions of the app. It would facilitate a greater advantage in the game. So, what are you waiting for? Avail our recruitment app development services and we will develop a recruitment app.


Frequently Asked Questions!


1. How Long Will It Take To Develop A Recruitment App?

The time to develop a recruitment app can be between 2-4 months for a simple job search app. It can go beyond 8 months if you need a complex recruitment app. For actual time, you can contact a Recruitment App development company.


2. How Much Will It Cost To Develop A Recruitment App?

The cost to create a recruitment app can vary depending on the factors. Basically, it can cost between $10000-$25000 for recruitment app development. However, if you are looking for the cost to develop a job portal website, it can vary depending on your project requirement.


3. How To Monetize Recruitment Apps Like Naukri?

To monetize a recruitment app like Naukri, you can use the below methods:

  • In-app purchase
  • In-app advertisement
  • Freemium model
  • Subscription model
  • Sponsorship model

4. What Are the Benefits of Recruitment App Development?  

When you develop a recruitment app, you will get benefits from it. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Quick and cost effectiveness
  • Painless resume sorting
  • Promotes organization
  • Attract large audience
  • Enhance user management