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What if you can bring a revolution in the event management industry? Well, you can do this with innovative event management and development. This cutting-edge technology has the potential to streamline the whole planning process, from sending invitations to creating schedules and even tracing expenses.

Quote: “The ‘occasionally remarkable’ moments shouldn’t be left to chance! They should be planned for, invested in.” – Chip Heath.

Increased demand for efficient event planning solutions has been noticed for the last few years. As per my study, the market for event applications was valued at US$ 1,203.89 billion in 2022 after growing at a 13.8% CAGR in 2018. This data depicts how investment in such an app can be a lucrative business opportunity. 

So, if you want to create event management app like Bizzabo, read this blog. It will explore everything you must know to develop a successful event management app. 

Quick Summary: Learn how to create event management app like Bizzabo with this comprehensive guide. It will guide you with a more simple event management app development process, including must-have features and the required costs. It will also explore benefits, types and use cases, tech stack, and app monetization strategies for event management app development. So, without a further second, let’s start!


Introduction of the  Bizzabo- An Event Management App

Bizzabo is the all-in-one solution for seamless event planning and execution. The app is designed for professional and personal use, simplifying the organization process, from attendees list and an invitation to scheduling and real-time updates.

The app has made event management more effortless with a user-friendly interface and intuitive features. So, it’s time to say goodbye to stress and move towards effortless coordination with the event management mobile apps like Bizzabo. 

So, if you want to develop event management app, it would be good for you to consult with an Android or iPhone app development company to meet your business goals. 


Market Analysis of Event Management App 

  • With a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of roughly 6.24% from 2021 to 2030, the worldwide event management software market is expected to reach $9.18.
  • The latter of the two software and service segments is anticipated to grow at the fastest rate, at about 10.4%, throughout this projected period. 
  • On the other hand, the cloud category is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of roughly 9.71%. 
  • Furthermore, in 2020, the global event management software market was dominated by the big enterprise category, which held a market share of approximately 55.41%.
  • This estimate indicates that the corporate segment will grow at a CAGR of 11.03%. 
  • It is estimated that revenue will reach $14.48 billion by 2028. 
  • Almost 85% of planners use event management software when organizing an event.


Top 5 Event Management App

As you know, event management is a thriving yet competitive industry. Hence, you must know how other competitors are playing and offering. If you are not familiar with all this, here are some of the event management app names to help you understand the landscape: 


create event management app like bizzabo


  • Eventbrite
  • monday.com
  • Whova
  • Eventzilla
  • BookMyShow


1. Eventbrite

Eventbrite is the best app for event management. It offers user-friendly tools for creating event pages, promoting an event, and managing ticket sales. An event management app like Eventbrite is ideal for all size’s events, from workshops to concerts. 


2. Monday.com

It’s not a common app; however, its project management features make it a great all-purpose tool. It can create task lists, assign tasks to respective team members, and track progress visually on boards and calendars.


3. Whova

The platform goes beyond ticketing, offering features like attendee networking, event websites, live polling, and gamification that boost engagement. An event management app like Whova is a good option for trade shows, conferences, and complex events.


4. Eventzilla

The app provides an engaging event experience to attendees with its unique features. It’s a customizable app that allows attendees to access venue maps, speaker profiles, schedules, sponsored events, and other significant details.


5. BookMyShow

The app is known for ticketing movies and entertainment events. Its platform also offers event management tools. You can also build an app like BookMyShow and make it a good option for organizers looking for a familiar platform for registration, ticketing, or promoting local events. 


create event management app like bizzabo

5 Benefits of Developing the Event Management App

As you know, there is cut-throat competition in the relevant industry.  However, building apps for event management is a powerful solution. If you come with a unique offering for your event planning apps, you can enjoy the following benefits:


create event management app like bizzabo


  • Enhanced Organization and Streamlined Workflow
  • Boosted Ticket Sales and Revenue 
  • Cost-saving  and Eco-friendliness
  • Improved Attendee Engagement 
  • Data Collection and Analytics


1. Enhanced Organization and Streamlined Workflow

With an event management app for iPhone or Android, you can keep track of every detail in one place. You can efficiently manage everything from scheduling to assigning tasks, reducing confusion and ensuring a smooth workflow. 


2. Boosted Ticket Sales and Revenue 

The event planning apps make it convenient for attendees to buy tickets online. Hence, it leads to high sales and increased revenue. Furthermore, features like early bird discounts and promotions can be easily managed through your app. 


3. Cost-saving  and Eco-friendliness

If you create an app like Bizzabo, it reduces the need for printed materials like tickets, posters, and brochures. This saves money and helps businesses reduce their environmental impact by reducing paper use. 


4. Improved Attendee Engagement 

The application provides attendees with real-time updates, interactive maps, and event schedules. Moreover, Q&A sessions, live polls, and feedback enhance engagement and make the event more interactive. 


5. Data Collection and Analytics 

With the event management android app, you can collect valuable data based on attendee preference, behavior, and feedback. You can analyze this data to improve future events, tailor marketing strategies, and enhance the attendees’ experience. 

We were looking for an app development company that can transform our vision into a seamless application. After we reach Dev Technosys, its dedication, expertise, and innovative solutions exceed our expectations. With professionalism and commitment to quality work, the company ensured a smooth development process, resulting in a high-quality and user-friendly product. I highly recommend Dev Technosys  for its outstanding app development services, taking your business to the next level. 

_ Will Johnson

7 Key Steps to Create Event Management App Like Bizzabo 

If you are satisfied with the benefits of event management app development mentioned above, you might be ready to develop your app. However, if someone is looking for the same and is not familiar with its development process, just relax; here is a step-by-step mobile app development process, you must consider:


create event management app like bizzabo


So, let’s start this exciting journey!


  • Conduct Market Research 
  • Choose the Best Tech Stack 
  • Craft an Intuitive UI/UX 
  • Develop the App
  • Testing and Quality Assurance 
  • Launching and Marketing 
  • Provide Continuous Support and Upgrades


1. Conduct Market Research

The process of event management app development begins with market research. It helps to understand the target audience, their requirements, and current trends in event management technology. Here, you also need to examine your competitors to identify the gaps in their offering and fill those gaps with your app.


2. Choose the Best Tech Stack 

Now comes the tech stack that is the backbone of successful event management web apps development. The technology stack encompasses the programming languages, tools, and framework you will use to create event management app like Bizzabo.

Hence, at this phase, you must choose the right tech stack that can support real-time updates and handle high traffic volume. If you do not know about all this, consult with a mobile application development company


3. Craft an Intuitive UI/UX 

User interface and experience are the most critical parts of the best event management apps. So, ensure that your app’s user interface is modern, clean, and easy to navigate so that users can quickly find and use its features.

Shift your focus on designing a seamless user experience by reducing the number of tasks required to complete tasks, using familiar layouts and icons, and providing clear instructions. 


4. Develop the App

Once the app design is set, let’s move towards the app development phase that involves writing codes for both the back-end and front-end of an app. Here, you are advised to break down the development into manageable sprints that allow for continuous progress checks and adjustments.

To ensure the success of your virtual event management app, ensure that the hired party planner app development company integrates all the significant and unique features, attracting more users. 


5. Testing and Quality Assurance 

Testing and quality assurance teams ensure that a mobile application is error-free and performs well under different conditions. Hence, by conducting thorough research, you can also make your app free of bugs and ready to launch.

For this, different thorough tests, including integration tests, unit tests, and user acceptance tests, must be conducted. Performance testing is also significant to ensure that your event management app can handle high loads during peak event times.


6. Launching and Marketing

Now, finally, it is time to launch your event management app. For this, you must create an effective marketing strategy, including effective content marketing, social media marketing, email campaigns, and partnering with industry leaders or influencers.

Ensure that your app’s benefits and unique features are highlighted so that more and more users can be attracted. Also, offer incentives like discounts for early adopters to deliver initial downloads. 


7. Provide Continuous Support and Upgrades 

Now that you have successfully developed and launched your app, your work is not over. If you want your app to remain competitive for a long time, you have to monitor its performance to introduce timely updates. You are advised to hire mobile app developers to maintain an active customer support channel to help users with issues they encounter. 


create event management app like bizzabo


Must-have Features of an Event Management App

You must know significant and unique features to develop a successful event app. The features help boost functionality and enhance security. So, if you want to grab people’s attention, consider the following event management app features:


create event management app like bizzabo




Easy Log-in/Sign-up

Ensure a quick and smooth login and sign-in process for organizers and attendees

Event Agenda and Schedule

Create event management app like Bizzabo that provide a customizable and clear event agenda with reminders and schedules. 

Maps and Venue Information

The event planner apps must integrate maps and detailed venue information for quick and easy navigation 

Social Media Integration

Ensure the party planner app allows seamless social media sharing to boost event promotion. 

Multilingual Support

If you want to reach a global audience, offer multilingual support so that more and more people can use your app. 

Payment Integration 

Create event management app like Bizzabo that breezes ticket purchase and payment with effective payment gateway integration. 

Offline Mode

Your event management app must provide key information to users even if the internet is unavailable. 

Push Notifications

To keep users informed about every update or change in your app, integrate real-time push notification features. 

Live Q&A and Polling

Create event management app like Bizzabo that facilitate live Q&A sessions and polling to increase audience engagement. 

Analytics and Reporting

This feature helps gain valuable insight with built-in analytics and reporting tools. 


Cost Analysis to Create Event Management App Like Bizzabo

Now that you have learned how to create event management app like Bizzabo and how it works, let’s explore its development cost. Generally, we cannot determine the exact event management website development cost. However, for a rough estimation, we can consider $8500 to $28000 as the app development cost.

You must remember the cost can fluctuate because of different factors such as the app’s design, features, development team, and many more. Moreover, the app’s complexity level also impacts the cost to build an event management app as mentioned in the table below:


Event Management App Development

Estimated Cost 

Time Frame 

Simple  Event Management App Development

$8500 – $14000

3 to 6 Months 

Medium-Complex  Event Management App Development

$14000 – $21000

6 to 9 Months 

High-Complex  Event Management App Development


10+ Months 


Apart from the cost, you must also consider the event management app maintenance services that could range from 15 to 20% of overall app development cost. 


Major Types and Use Cases of Event Management Apps:

Nowadays, event applications go beyond just invitations. As per the iPhone an Android app development company, platforms streamline planning and enhance the experience for organizers and attendees alike. If you want to know about different events apps and their use cases, look at the table below:


create event management app like bizzabo


Event Management Apps

Use cases 


Corporate Event Management Apps

Conferences, trade shows, meetings, and team-building events 

Registration, networking tools, scheduling, and content management 

Private Event Planning Apps

Birthday parties, weddings, and family reunions

Guest communication, vendor coordination, RSVP management, and photo sharing 

Public Event Planning Apps

Festivals, conferences, sporting events, and concerts 

Venue maps, mobile wallets, ticketing, and real-time updates 

Charity Event Management Apps

Awareness campaigns, marathons, auctions, and fundraising galas 

Volunteer management, online donations, social sharing, and gamification

Social Event Planning Apps

Happy hours, parties, meetups, and networking events 

Event discovery, group chats, and integration with social media


How to Monetize Your Event Management App?

The rapidly evolving digital landscape brings various app monetization opportunities. Specifically, event apps show promise a major source of income generating. If you also want to earn extra income with your event management app, choose one of the following:


create event management app like bizzabo


  • Gamification
  • Banner Ads
  • In-app Purchase
  • Affiliate Marketing 
  • Subscription Model


1. Gamification

With this app monetization method, you can increase traffic as attendees try a product or visit sponsors in a game for points. Users are motivated to participate actively, which leads to increased app usage and opportunities for monetization through other means. 


2. Banner Ads

The technique offers a straightforward way to generate extra revenue. Collaborate with relevant advertisers to display their ads in strategic locations within your event app for a steady income stream. 


3. In-app Purchase

This offers users additional features like exclusive content or merchandise related to the event. In-app purchase technique is effective if the added value is compelling and clear and encourages users to spend money within your event app. 


4. Affiliate Marketing 

This app monetization technique involves promoting third-party products or services within an app and earning a commission on every sale made through your references. Affiliate marketing works effectively if the promoted product is relevant to your audience. 


5. Subscription Model

The model provides recurring revenue by offering users exclusive access, premium features, and an add-free experience for a monthly or annual fee. This approach works best if your event app offers ongoing value that justifies the recurring cost. 


create event management app like bizzabo


Tech Stack for Event Management App Development 

Creating an event management app involves choosing a tech stack that can easily handle different functions such as ticket booking, notifications, payment processing, and user management. Hence, if you want to create event management app like Bizzabo, here is a tech stack table help you in a successful on demand app development:






React Native, Flutter

Cross-platform app development for mobile users (iOS & Android).


Node.js, Python (Django/Flask)

Manages server-side logic and interacts with databases.


MySQL, PostgreSQL

Stores event data, user information, and registration details.


Stripe, PayPal

Enables secure in-app transactions for ticketing and payments.

Push Notifications

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), Amazon SNS

Delivers event updates and reminders to users.


Google Analytics, Segment

Tracks user behavior and app performance.


Wrapping Up! 

The above blog has revealed that the future of event management apps is bright. With its ability to simplify the appalling processes, improve overall efficiency, and increase engagement, investing in this innovative technology is the best way to stay competitive in the industry.

The convenience and accessibility of event management applications offer a competitive edge for businesses that want to streamline their operations and provide exceptional services to their clients. So if you are also looking for the same, why are you delaying?

Just consult an event management app development company. For instance, you can contact Dev Technosys. With 13+ years of experience, the company has positioned itself as one of the leading mobile app development service providers.  


create event management app like bizzabo


Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. How Much Does It Cost to Create Event Management App Like Bizzabo?

The cost to develop a mobile app like Bizzabo can range from $8500 to $20000. If you want a sophisticated and more feature-rich app, the cost can be up to $28000. 


Q2. How Long Does It Take to Create Event Management App Like Bizzabo?

If you want to build event management app, its timeline can be 3 to 6 months. However, if you want a complex app, the time will be extended by one year. 


Q3. What are the 5 C’s of Event Planning? 

Here are 5 C’s of event planning process: 

  • Content
  • Coordination 
  • Control
  • Culmination
  • Closeout 


Q4. What are Some Significant Security Considerations When Using an Event App?

Here are some security considerations that you must know:

  • Secure data encryption
  • Clear privacy policies
  • Secure payment gateways
  • Strong passwords and data sharing