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What if you could develop an app that bridges the communication gap for a range of deaf and hard-of-hearing people? Well, you can do this by developing a sign language app like Lingvano. The app provides a comprehensive, interactive learning experience that makes sign language accessible to people. As per the study, the market for sign language applications is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3% between 2023 and 2028. This data depicts a lucrative business opportunity for business.

“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein (Austrian philosopher)

Hence, entrepreneurs can tap into a growing market by investing in such innovative technology. However, the major concern of most business owners is how to develop a sign language learning app like Lingvano. 

Quick Summary: “Know how to develop a sign language app like Lingvano with this comprehensive blog exploring development stages and cost”.

If you are also one of them, no need to worry; this blog is for you. In this blog, I am going to clear all your doubts regarding the development of sign language apps and provide you with in-depth information that you must know to convert your idea into reality.


What is Lingvano App- A Sign Language App?

Lingvano is an interactive sign language designed for beginners with video lessons made by deaf tutors that can be done anytime and anywhere. The app features quizzes, video tutorials, and practice exercises that enable users, especially students, to learn quickly.

Lingvano’s practical approach and friendly interface make it accessible for beginners and those who want to improve their ASL (American Sign Language) skills, enhance communication. 

Developing a learn sign language app was quite challenging for us. We practice many times but attain nothing. However, with patience and a complex mindset, we finally built an effective sign language app. Now that we have accomplished our goals, I am excited to share what I learned during the journey. So, get ready to discover how to successfully make a sign language app like Lingvano user-friendly while meeting business goals. Let’s dive into the easiest way and critical tips that can help you create an application that truly makes a difference. :: Mohit Nag (Project Manager)


Sign Language App Like Lingvano


7 Key Steps to Develop A Sign Language App Like Lingvano

Do you know how to build library management software? Well, most of the apps are developed with the same development process. However, to create the best app to learn sign language, you must consider the following steps to attain your business goals:

  • Extensive Market Research 
  • Choose the Tech Stack Appropriately
  • Make UI/UX Design
  • App Development 
  • Testing and Quality Assurance 
  • Launching and Marketing 
  • Ongoing Maintenance and Updates


Sign Language App Like Lingvano


1. Extensive Market Research

First, conduct market research to ensure that the app you invest in is worthwhile. Additionally, identify your target audience. Are you catering to beginners looking for basic conversational skills or professionals who want to learn a specific language for work? Determine what they expect from your app and any market gaps you will fill with your application. Hence, it helps to sign language app like Lingvano accordingly. 


2. Choose the Tech Stack Appropriately

Tech stack means the programming language and framework used to develop an app like Lingvano. Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS are the popular choices for mobile application development.

You are advised to hire mobile app developers who better know which tech stack is required for your app development. Also, explore options for integrating features like speech recognition and video recording to enhance user experience. 


3. Make UI/UX Design

Now, design a user interface that is user-friendly and intuitive. Since sign language is visual, you need to prioritize clear video demonstrations of signs alongside written explanations. To develop a student information system app, ensure your app design considers accessibility features to accommodate users’ diverse needs.

Furthermore, prototyping and user testing during this phase can provide valuable feedback that allows you to refine your application’s look. Hence, an attractive UI/UX design is critical for user retention and satisfaction.


4. App Development 

At this stage, your app development idea and design come to life. It involves coding your sign language app’s back-end and front-end components that integrate APIs and ensuring that your work’s functionality works perfectly.

Your sign language app might include interactive exercises, video tutorials, and progress-tracking features. Furthermore, as AI in education industry is changing learning styles, you must ensure that you insert features accordingly so that users’ ever-changing requirements can be met.


5. Testing and Quality Assurance 

This is the most critical stage of sign language app development, and it involves various tests, including integration tests, unit tests, and user acceptance tests. To develop the Udemy online learning platformspecial attention must be given to testing your app’s interactive features, ensuring they perform well under different conditions.

The QA team also tests accessibility compliance and usability. Hence, by identifying bugs, glitches, and other technical problems, you ensure that your app is error-free and ready to release.


6. Launching and Marketing

After testing and polishing your app thoroughly, you can launch it on app stores. However, you should ensure that you develop a strategic marketing strategy to help you reach a big audience.

For this, you can use press releases, social media, and partnerships with influencers and organizations in the deal community. Hence, you can successfully bring your dream of building educational mobile apps for students to life.


7. Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

Once your app is developed and launched at the app store, you must monitor its performance. This is critical because, as technology advances, apps become outdated. Hence, you must ensure that you can implement the new ones in your app, keeping users engaged and retained. This involves adding new features, secure measures, and other updates that keep your app functional for a long time. 


Must-have Features of Apps Like Lingvano

Lingvano, the American sign language app, has gained popularity among users, especially students, because of its excellent features. Hence, if you also want to create a mobile app that can stand out in the market, consider the list of significant features. The features must suit the user’s expectations to be integrated. If you are not aware of critical features, look here:


Sign Language App Like Lingvano


1. Video Dictionary 

A dictionary that features videos of words and phrases being assigned is critical. It allows users to search for particular signs and see them demonstrated clearly. 


2. Cultural Context 

Develop a sign language app like Lingvano that includes cultural notes and context about sign language and the deaf community. This would provide learners with a more comprehensive understanding. 


sign language app like lingvano


3. Gamification 

Incorporating elements like badges, points, and leaderboards can make learning more engaging and motivate users to continue practicing. 


4. Progress Tracking 

The best sign language app enables users to track their learning progress, including attained milestones, completed lessons, and areas for improvement. 


5. Seamless Payments 

Let users pay for the chargeable services available on your applications. It must provide different payment options, such as debit/credit card, net banking, etc.


6. Interactive Stories and Dialogues 

Create an eLearning app like Udemy in which real-life stories and dialogues help usersunderstand how signs are used in context.


7. Vocabulary Trainer 

Let users practice their sign language vocabulary on your apps and memorize the majority of the signs to converse effectively in the said language. 


8. Offline Access 

Ensure your app offers downloaded content, which can be accessed offline so that users can learn anytime and anywhere. 


9. Customization 

An online learning platform like Udemy lets users set learning goals and customize their learning path according to their interests and proficiency levels. 


10.User-friendly Interface 

An accessible and intuitive interface ensures that tech-savviness and users of all ages can easily navigate the app without any difficulty. 


How Much Does It Cost To Develop a Sign Language App Like Lingvano?

The cost to develop an education app ranges from $8200 to $28500, depending on your app’s features, design, functionalities, and other factors. Significant features like gesture recognition, real-time translation, and video tutorials majorly impact the cost. Furthermore, as you know, AI has introduced more advanced functionalities.

Therefore, it also increases the overall app development cost. Hence, all these things contribute to the app’s complexity level, resulting in the cost to develop mobile app like Lingvano also increased as mentioned in the table below:


Cost to Develop a Sign Language App Like Lingvano

Sign Language  App Development



Estimated Cost Time Frame
Simple Sign Language   App Development




$8200 – $13000 3 to 6 Months
Medium-Complex Sign Language App Development



$13000 – $21000 6 to 9 Months
High-Complex Sign Language   App Development



$28500+ 10+ Months


For a more accurate cost estimation, contact a mobile app development company and provide them with a detailed project brief specifying your requirements.


sign language app like lingvano


How Much Does It Cost To Maintain an App Like Lingvano?

Always remember that the app development cost is one of many things that you must consider when developing an app. There are some additional costs for maintaining the app known as the app’s maintenance cost. This Expansion includes licensing, hosting, and updates.

As per the education app maintenance services provider, on average, you can consider the app’s maintenance cost 15 to 20% of the overall sign language app development cost. However, if you spend more than 20% on your app maintenance, ensure that all your business goals are attained and your app runs smoothly without any disturbance.


Why Must Entrepreneurs Invest in Sign Language App Development?

The hard-of-hearing and deaf community presents an untapped and significant market segment. Hence, entrepreneurs can grab many opportunities and gain a competitive edge by investing in apps to learn American sign language. If you want to know more about the benefits of mobile apps in education industry, then look at the following reasons:

  • Expand Customer Base
  • Enhanced Brand Image
  • Cost-effective Communication
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Future-proofing your business


Sign Language App Like Lingvano


1. Expand Customer Base

As you know, sign language learning apps bridge the communication gap between businesses and deaf and hard-of-hearing communities. They help businesses reach new customers, expand their customer base, and enter a growing market. Hence, by offering inclusive communication channels, entrepreneurs can attract more customers while retaining existing ones.


2. Enhanced Brand Image

Building a sign language app like Lingvano shows a commitment to diversity and inclusion. It helps to improve brand reputation and image, as people appreciate businesses that cater to a large audience and prioritize accessibility. If you invest in educational website development, a positive perception of your brand can increase customer loyalty.


3. Cost-effective Communication

A Sign language app like Lingvano offers a cost-effective solution for businesses that frequently interact with customers. Such apps are used for different purposes, including sales consultations, product demonstrations, and technical support. Hence, they reduce reliance on external interpretation services, reducing the cost.


4. Competitive Advantage

In the current competitive landscape, businesses prioritize accessibility to stand out. Entrepreneurs can differentiate themselves from competitors without inclusivity by investing in kids learning app development. Hence, it can be an effective marketing tool to attract customers who value social responsibility.


5. Future-proofing Your Business

With advanced technology, sign language apps have also become more sophisticated and widely used by many users. Hence, by investing in LMS app development, you can position yourself as a leader in accessibility and ensure you are prepared to cater to the ever-changing needs of your future customer base.


Sign Language App Like Lingvano


Tech Stack for Sign Language App Development

If anyone wants to develop a sign language app like Lingvano, it’s critical to be aware of the tech stack used in eLearning app development. This helps determine the tech stack’s impact on the app’s performance, user experience, scalability, cross-platform compatibility, and ease of maintenance and updates.


Component Technologies
Frontend React Native, Flutter, Swift, Kotlin
Backend Node.js, Python (Django/Flask), Java (Spring Boot)
Database SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase
Version Control Git, GitHub, Bitbucket
API Integration RESTful APIs, GraphQL, SOAP
Push Notifications Firebase Cloud Messaging, Apple Push Notification Service
Analytics Google Analytics, Firebase Analytics
Authentication OAuth, JWT
Deployment Google Play Store, Apple App Store, TestFlight, Firebase App Distribution


Wrapping Up!

Investment in sign language app development is a smart move for your business. By developing an app that is easy to use and full of helpful content, entrepreneurs can build something valuable for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. Remember that this not only brings in revenue but also helps promote inclusivity. As a growing demand for such apps has been seen, it’s the perfect time to build a translate sign language app that stands out in the market.

If you also want to build a sign language app like Lingvano that focuses on earning, it’s time to kick-start your journey. So, consult an education app development company that could assist you in developing a sign language app.


Frequently Asked Questions


Q1. How Much Does It Cost To Develop Sign Language App Like Lingvano?

There is no fixed education app development cost. However, the average cost can be estimated at $8200 to $28500, which can be changed according to the app’s requirements and unique features.


Q2. How Long Does It Take To Develop a Sign Language App Like Lingvano?

Based on the app’s complexity, the time to develop a sign language app is anywhere between 3 to 11 months. The time is for developing the app straight from ideation to launch; some technical applications may take more than 1 year.


Q3. How Can The Cost To Develop Sign Language App Like Lingvano Can Be Reduced?

If you find the cost of sign language app development high, then you can adopt the following techniques:

  • Prioritize core features
  • Adopt MVP
  • Use open-source tools
  • Use existing platforms and templates
  • Hire a dedicated app development team.


Q4. How Do You Earn Money With The Sign Language App?

If you want to earn money with your sign language app, you can consider the following techniques:

  • In-app purchase
  • Freemium model
  • In-app advertising
  • Subscription model
  • Affiliate marketing