Construction is one of the driving forces of civilization. So, it is important to improve it to meet increasing demand. In this age of technology where tech has been applied in each and every field, construction doesn’t go unnoticed. Construction Management Software has been helping improve construction operations and make them more effective and less time-consuming. Let’s look at some stats supporting this:
- Companies who used construction management software have reported 28 times better cost-efficiency
- The construction management industry is forecasted to hit 10.67% CAGR by 2025
- More than 70% of top projects have used construction management software
This clearly shows how construction management can improve projects’ operations to such an extent. Now, there is a lot that goes into developing construction management software. But, businesses aren’t familiar with it.
That’s why in this blog, we shall be discussing everything about the same. From the definition, types, need, benefits, cost, and things to consider, you will find everything you wanted to know about construction software management. With this being said, let’s get right into it;
What is Construction Management Software?
First things first, what is construction management software exactly? Well, it’s quite simple.
Construction management software as the name suggests refers to software that is concerned with construction operation management. In simpler words, this software helps organize the different aspects of construction to make it more effective and efficient.
These include planning, scheduling, resources, workforce management, and progress management, among other things. All in all, construction management software Omni channels the whole project, which helps with productivity.
Good software product development Company can deliver software that helps project managers supervise and control different phases better. Because it allows them to be divided into simple units and it also automates a lot of functions.
Apart from the on-field tasks, project management software can also help with document management and storage. This is one of the beneficial points as there is a lot of documentation, legal and otherwise, related to a construction project.
This software has real-time data management and viewing system. This doesn’t only help project managers but also the stakeholders, as they can keep up with project progress. While there is a lot more to this software, this was a brief overview.
Types of Construction Management Software
There are different types of construction Management Software. in this section of the blog, the two different types of construction management software shall be discussed. These are, as mentioned below:
1. Desktop
The first type is desktop construction software. As the name suggests, this construction management is based on desktop or natively. Here, everything can be managed through the MS project.
Here, the project manager will have to share the relevant with other parties since there is no real-time data synchronization. This is one of the big limitations of desktop-based construction management software.
2. Web Based
The second and the more popular & widely used type of construction management are web-based. One can say that this second type of project management software was introduced. Here, software being web-based can be accessed from anywhere, the condition being the user has internet access.
They can read, add, or modify the information and other things of the software. Web-based project management software is more suited for a team to work on. If you want this one, it’s a high time to hire a web development company.
Why Do You Need Construction Management Software?
Both the definition and the different types of construction management software have been discussed. Now, a question that might arise in your mind is, why should you hire software developer or get construction management software anyway. Well, this is quite a rational question, and the answer to this is:
Construction depending on the project scale is quite a complex process. There is a lot more to it than just building something. It involves planning, problem-solving, procurement, more planning, among other things. In a construction project, things are ever-changing, and project managers have to adapt accordingly.
Now, all of this is a lot of work and there is no doubt about it. Thus, it also includes a lot of paper works covers all the bills, legal bits, plans, procurement staff, and whatnot. This can also lead to a calculation error, higher development costs, and longer development time.
But there is always a solution, which is construction management software. This software can streamline all the processes, improving productivity, lessening the duration, and also limiting the physical documents. This is why you should consider getting construction management software.
There are a lot of other benefits of this software, which shall be discussed in the next section:
Benefits of Using Construction Management Software
Here, we shall be discussing a few of these benefits in this section of the blog. With this being said, let’s get right into it:
1. Real-Time Collaboration
One of the main advantages of this software is that it allows real-time collaboration. Project managers and other members of the team can work on the software, focusing on their individual tasks. This adds to the overall productivity of the project.
2. Budget Management
Construction projects aren’t cheap by any means. But this doesn’t mean the budget is unlimited. Much to despair, a lot of construction projects suffer from budget overflow.
Nevertheless, all of this can be dealt with by using construction management software. This software allows project managers to control and disperse budget, ensuring precise cost estimation.
3. Document Sync
As we discussed, there are a lot of documents involved in a construction project. All of these documents can be managed using project management software. In addition, it allows project managers to share the documents throughout the team. Different members can work on the effects without causing confusion.
4. Information and Data Monitoring
It goes without saying that, supervision is one of the main, if not the main goal of construction management software. Thus, it is also one of the major benefits associated with it. As it allows project managers to monitor all the different aspects of the ongoing project. This includes workflow, different phases, progress, etc.
5. Better Insight
This benefit is highly related to the previous one. all of the information and data recorded through the software provides valuable insight to the management team.
With this insight, the decision-making process is also highly improved.
6. Improved Risks Management
Risk management is a big part of construction management, as there are a lot of critical elements involved in the process. This process of risk management and identification is highly improved with help of construction management software. For it, help recognize the possible risks and bring them to the management’s notice.
7. Better Communication
Yet another beneficial point of project management software is it provides better, faster, and more effective communication. There are many in-app features that add to this benefit.
8. Improved Productivity
All of the different benefits we discussed so far add to provide us with this one: better productivity. With improved communication, better risk and cost management, the productivity of the project is highly improved.
Essential Features of Construction Management Software
A construction management software deal with a lot of different functions related to a construction project. When you consult a software product development company, they will give you options for a lot of features. Here, you have to decide which features you need and which do not. Here, we shall be looking at some of the basic features that you should include in your software.
These are, as mentioned below:
1. Timesheets
Construction projects work on strict deadlines. This is the reason why you need features like a timesheet. You see, this is quite a logical and good way to manage the workforce’s hours on the site. Since the construction management software allows real-time sync, the team can update their working hours from anywhere.
This is quite an effective method of managing the large workforce involved in a construction project. Here, project managers can change their working hours, approve schedule changes or reject the same.
2. Communication Board
The communication board is the virtual counterpart of the physical notice board. Here, the management can leave a message for the other members of the team to view. This works well when project managers are sending a generalized message to the workforce.
3. Task Assignment and List
While this is quite like a timesheet, it doesn’t concern with working hours of the workforce. Rather it deals with assigning tasks to the workforce. Management can easily assign a task to individuals.
Here, management can also attach notes, documents, plans, as well as comments. This adds to the overall communication and productivity of the construction project.
4. Document Management
Carrying all of the documents around the project site can be a little too much and it can also lead to confusion, among a lot of other problems. Document management features allow ease management of paperwork and documents. Here, these are accessible by each member of the team. Plus, it also has the ability to sign with document systems like Google Docs.
5. Resource Management
Resource management is something that you shouldn’t ignore at any cost. While one might call it a group of features than single features, it is essential nonetheless.
Resource management includes features that help manage budget allocation, workforce availability, skilled labor, procurement, and a lot of other things in real-time. When consulting a CMS software development firm, make sure to include this in your feature list.
6. Real-Time Messaging
It goes without saying that construction management software will have a group chat, where everyone can send text, pictures, and documents. While this is strictly work-related, it is quite a good feature to have in your project management software.
This feature adds to the problem-solving ability, which in turn adds to time efficiency and productivity.
7. Status Checking
The software allows users and project managers to check the status of different operations. This includes the meets, status of certain tasks, resource status, and a lot of other things. This adds to the overall supervising and monitoring ability.
8. Stakeholder Access
Stakeholder likes to see what is going on with their project and how their investment is being used. That is why; a feature that allows you to share the data and information with stakeholders is a must in this software. This is a must-have feature when you get Custom Software Development Services.
9. Hill Charts
Hill charts are quite helpful when it comes to construction project management. It allows the users to see the project history. In addition to this, it also provides updates related to the same.
10. Reports & Insight
Reports and insight are features that are covered in basic CRM software development services. The reason this allows project managers to see every single aspect and information related to project management. This allows users to see how the project is going and where things are lacking.
Construction Management Software Development Process
While project management software is quite readily available, creating them isn’t all that easy. There is a lot that goes behind it. So, how does construction management software goes? Well, we shall be discussing the very same thing in this section of the blog.
1. Requirement Audit
The first step of developing construction management software is conducting a requirement audit. Here, you check what your requirements are and what can be improved by using project management software. This is quite an important step as software is based on the information developed here.
2. Features
As we discussed in the previous section, features are quite an important part of any software including construction management. You can ask for anything from chatbot software development to real-time status checking. Nevertheless, you should make sure the features serve a purpose.
3. UI/UX Design
UI/UX design is something that makes up all the look and feel of the software. You should choose a design that is easy to navigate and use.
4. Development
You can think of software development as eCommerce product customization. Because you can change each and everything to your need. Nevertheless, each and everything is combined together in this phase of development.
5. Testing
After the development phase, the software is then tested. Here, it is deployed in a live environment. This helps the software developers check the same for any errors and mistakes. If necessary, required changes are made here.
6. Delivery
The last step of construction management software development is delivery. As the name suggests, here, the final product is delivered to the client. With this, the process is complete.
Cost of Construction Management Software Development
What is the cost to hire a software developer for construction management software development? well, the cost of the software depends on many different factors.
These factors include:
- Complexity
- UI/UX design
- Size of the software
- Features
- Location of developer
These are a few of the many factors which can affect the cost. Nevertheless, the average software development cost can range from $6000 to $30,000.
In this age of technology, construction management software is a must for a lot of reasons. In this blog, we discussed many of their reasons in addition to cost, development process, essential features, etc. all in all, we saw everything that you should know about project management software development.
Nevertheless, it is suggested that you consult or hire software Development Company that is a global leading and go at what they do. They can help you better based on your project requirements.